Random probability theory. Napalm continues! - page 8

Topekstarter, TV is like arithmetic.) - an abstract science. Matrics is applied statistics, which is based on TV. Therefore it is not worth complaining about how disconnected TV is from life. You can apply mathematical statistics where the conditions of the problem allow you to do so :)

A countably additive normalised measure given on a sigma-algebra of all possible subsets of the set of elementary events.

Where is the mathematician, where is the avals, where is the faa, where are the other coryphaei?

Let them learn, that's our way, in a patsy's way!!!!!


I wonder if the masters of the forum realise that people like you are bleeding it dry.

getting old... veiling the subject.


getting old... veiling the subject.

What's the point of even having one of these here?
There would be a topic = topic starter + a few posts from those who are interested.

Where's the mathematician, where's the avals, where's the faa, where are the other coryphaei?

Let them learn, that's our way, our boyish way!!!!!

What's there to learn? This is a set-theoretic interpretation, very necessary and useful, because it allows using the apparatus of set theory, so this definition is in all university textbooks. Thanks to my uncle 's uncle Kolmogorov. At the same time, for all its convenience in formalizing problems this formulation is a pure mathematical abstraction, not connected with concrete physical essence, and in principle can describe something else, some crap that has no relation to probability theory at all (for example, how natural numbers can describe the quantity of whatever you want).

The physical meaning of probability, however, is the amount of information an observer has about the possible outcomes of a test. From this point of view, probability is always conditional: it depends on prior knowledge and changes if the awareness of the observer changes, while the so-called a priori probability of something is in fact a priori only with respect to a given experiment, and is estimated, frankly, always only based on the experimenter's knowledge of the object under study. There is also an inverse relationship from probability to information - the less likely (again, in our estimation) the outcome of the experiment performed, the more information it gives the experimenter. If the outcome is the same as expected (i.e. the event that we knew was most likely to occur), then the amount of new information is minimal (we have only once again made sure that we were right about the object's properties).


I wonder if the masters of the forum realize that people like you are bleeding it dry.

getting old... veiling the subject.

I agree, slumbering uneducation has become the lifeblood of the forum, and the ten-bit Fredo who flipped a coin has become its flag

"It's not a shame to be a teapot, it's a shame to be one all your life" (s) hz


I agree, the slumbering ignorance has become the lifeblood of the forum, and the ten-bit Fredo who flipped a coin has become its banner.

"It's not a shame to be a teapot, it's a shame to be a teapot all your life" (sic)

I don't give a rat's ass... You've had your eyes blinded, you've been acting a little clumsy lately. The pack needs a new pack leader.

I have a picture of a train crashing. komsomol members are going to develop the virgin soil. some will settle down, most will prosper, a few will create something.

The camera moves to the steppe, where a man in a dirty, muddy shirt with a Mischek patch, pickaxe, slowly walks down a beaten path... ...and the Komsomol train is derailed...



I don't give a rat's ass... You've had your eye twisted, you've been acting clumsy lately. The pack needs a new ringleader.

I have a picture: a Komsomol train is rushing along. komsomol members are going to develop the virgin soil. some will settle down, most will perish, a few will do some work. there is so much noise in the train, everyone is discussing something.

The camera moves to the steppe, where a man in a muddy shirt with a Mischek patch, pickaxe, slowly strolls down a well-trodden path... ...and the train with the Komsomol members is derailed.


ugly ))))

wow ))))

another train is coming with other Komsomol members....

and a man in a dirty uniform, with a Mi badge... is walking towards the turnpike again.

another train rides with other Komsomol members....

and a man in a dirty uniform, with a Mi... is walking to the turnpike again.

it's good for you to laugh, they say you bought a winery in france.