FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 481


No preparation for the bottom, I think it's going up now.

Gina, let's double lot up, the depo is sentenced anyway, no need to be sorry))))


yeah right now... moose swallowed... second try )))))

no doubling... now it's 001, I need at least 50 quid... damn it)))


What the hell is up? ))) He hasn't smelt it since this morning )))


What the hell is up? ))) He hasn't smelt it since this morning )))

Quiet there... draw a mule at 1.24 ))))

artikul, tell that picture a little bit...

flight normal, on H4 the downward trend continues its steady march)
yeah right now... moose swallowed... second try )))))

The rocket is already at the start!!!

Latest news

The euro is down 0.54% today after hitting a three-week high of ~1.2390 on Friday. First generation crude continues to trade close to the opening price and Friday's high amid undiminished optimism for further Fed action. At $90 a barrel, the price of crude has risen for 4 consecutive trading sessions, recovering from the July 17 drop. The Fed's Open Market Committee will open a two-day session tomorrow before the labour market data release on Friday, which could turn out to be very unpleasant and above the 8% threshold. Bernanke hinted in his last speech to Congress that a new deposit rate cut is being considered. This contradicts his own words on February 29 when Bernanke warned against a rate cut. But in view of the fact that the American central bank has amassed considerable reserves at the banks as a result of Operation Twist (1.49 trillion as of July 25th, compared to 991 billion in December 2010), the Fed is probably considering other instruments which do not lead to a further increase in the balance sheet. Thus, in a situation with very few instruments remaining unused, an actual rate cut becomes more likely than a few months ago.

artikul, tell that picture a little bit...

What's there to tell? ))) The zig-zag has formed a top and broken the green dash from top to bottom - a sell signal ))))
flight normal, on H4 the downward trend continues its steady march)

Yep... like at the parade, stumbling and grumbling, crawled to yesterday's low, now the rabid bulls are entering the arena and will trample everybody))))