Exoteric, psychology for trading. - page 24

О. Yes.

Peter even constantly cools his superpowers with liquid from a half-litre bottle so they don't overheat.

Oh, what's so funny? It's also an option. Especially since our ancestors chilled and chilled and chilled. And the bottles were bigger, bulkier.
Ah, what's so funny? It's also an option. Especially when you consider that our ancestors chilled and chilled and chilled. And the bottles were bigger, bulkier.

What are you doing up? You been rummaging around in the fridge or didn't meet your daily quota?
What are you doing up? Are you rummaging in the fridge or did you miss your daily quota?
In bed. Listening to an audiobook.
I liked Peter's idea, there's something to it. A person electrocuted gets superpowers (although maybe for a little while).

Oh yes! There's something to that. Reading this post made my desk lamp bulb explode...
In bed. Listening to an audiobook.

Dimitri, your laziness is surprising. Especially when the goal is set.

Books should be read, not listened to. Reading engages the process. The intellect develops. The speed of reading is ten times faster than listening. Imagination develops. It comes in handy out there.


I both read and listen to them (not at the same time, of course). I even copy the most important ones into separate files.

but in general - don't read and listen :-) you already have the minimum information... experience it yourself... and then read books to confirm your experience :-)
A trader, by definition, is not quite normal (in the eyes / minds of others). I admit that maybe I'm wrong (then stop, reversal and profit double :) ).

Dimitri, you are a bit of an understatement))) http://www.anwiza.com/content/view/2288/15/

By the way, has anyone been eating spiders lately?

I was boiling water for tea on the fire at the cottage, when I opened the lid, there was a spider floating there. So I had to drink a spider tincture.

Comics at the box office.