Exoteric, psychology for trading. - page 22

well it's from afar - it's not sunny... -273 degrees on the surface... you can't see it in the dark... they're just waiting for the sun to warm it up a bit and then they'll move in
Question: How can I use this 'exotericism' to develop trading systems and understand the misunderstood?
We'll jump on the move? What's the point of saving money?
Question: How can I use this 'exotericism' to develop trading systems and understand the misunderstood?
I asked about this 20 pages ago, and everyone was modestly silent, apparently they have no idea how to use it.
Well the answer has been given in other pages - start small - Silence of the Mind - Switching to a pure perception of the world - without the prism of the mind so to speak :-)
I would like to define the sensations in the silent state. What does one hear, feel, touch... or nothing at all? Before entering the phase, I sometimes find myself in a kind of emptiness - like space: no sound or light. Is it the same or not?
Alexander, why do you need probabilities, and the exercise of the tape measure for three days, and the strenuous cackling on the tailrace, if you can fly through interdimensional spaces, and know a couple of other Bond things?
I don't know about the light, but the sound was the same, silent as in a vacuum, like a cantus)(why do you think I'm like that))
Alexander, why do you need probabilities, and the exercise of the tape measure for three days, and the strenuous cackling on the tailrace, if you can fly through interdimensional spaces, and know a couple of other Bond things?
You're so simple... it's like I just started crossing intertemporal space in a day... It's another side of life that has little to do with the game... although it's not without flying :-)
I would like to define the sensations in the silent state. What one hears, feels, touches... or nothing at all? Before entering the phase, I sometimes find myself in a kind of emptiness - like space: no sound or light. Is it the same or not?
You've already been told... Really... I'm too lazy to write and think now... I'll write later...