FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 16: June 2012) - page 28

Don't argue for nothing ))))) There's no trend )))) Neither for you nor for us, as they say )))

lost the trend... trouble... ))))

Sell limit 1.2450 !

So I was dreaming then)))

And the mobile caught a sure thing...

Watch the monitor, I posted the link above. A surefire downward move in force
Now the Americans will come and do things their own way.
keep an eye on the monitoring, I posted the link above. The downside is in force.

Mobilych, if you're just yakking it's still so-so, but if you believe it yourself))))

Mobilich, if you're just talking, that's so-so, but if you believe it yourself))))
You think a 30pp drawdown is a fucking disaster? Have you forgotten that I closed the sells at 1.2692 to profit? And didn't you smirk calling 1.25 and below bullshit this spring?! So I ask you not to pick on me and smirk for nothing. And your trend was bullish )))) I never make fun of other people's predictions and you think you're the dumbass of forex. Get down to earth and let me speak my mind.
Do you think a 30pp drawdown is a disaster? Have you forgotten that I closed sells from 1.2692 to profit? And didn't you smirk calling 1.25 and below a bullshit this spring?! So I ask you not to pick on me and smirk for nothing. And your trend was bullish )))) I never make fun of other people's predictions and you think you're the dumbass of forex. Get down to earth and let me have my say.
Yes, I got 10 pips short of 1.2450 - now I am adding 10 pips to the downside!
Do you think a 30pp drawdown is a disaster? Have you forgotten that I closed sells from 1.2692 to profit? And didn't you smirk calling 1.25 and below a bullshit this spring?! So I ask you not to pick on me and smirk for nothing. And your trend was bullish )))) I never make fun of other people's predictions and you think you're the dumbass of forex. Get down on the ground and let me have my opinion.

Did we have spring in January? Getting old...

I am embarrassed to ask "how to open a deal in futures" Please advise me futures are not my strong suit but I really need it

i understand there is a need to set orders by time or am i wrong?

I have a feeling we're about to go 1.215.
I think we're about to go 1.215.
I think the trend is turning!!!