[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 15: May 2012) - page 167


You're telling the truth!)))
Words to the contrary!

I told you there was no sign of a U-turn...

It was reported today that the Eurogroup is calling on the eurozone countries to develop individual plans in case Greece leaves the currency bloc. This was reported by Reuters, citing unnamed officials in the currency bloc. At the same time agreement on the actual start of preparations for the exit of Greece from the eurozone was reached during a teleconference of the working group on May 21, 2012.

The report noted that no plans had been prepared at the eurozone level to prevent the possible consequences of a Greek exit from the bloc "due to fears of information leaks".

Meanwhile, Greece's exit from the monetary union, if it is inevitable, should be formalised as an "amicable parting", according to a confidential document from a eurozone country. Athens will have to be given appropriate financial aid by the European Union and the International Monetary Fund.

It's worth noting that not only politicians, investors and financial analysts, but also ordinary people are concerned about the fate of Greece and the entire Eurozone. According to a survey published on RBC's website, 39.8% of respondents believe the earliest possible withdrawal of Greece and other problematic countries from the European monetary block is necessary. Meanwhile, 27.7% of those who voted said this move won't end the crisis, 12.7% negatively evaluated the withdrawal of problematic countries from the bloc and believe the entire eurozone will suffer, another 5.8% assessed such a decision as "dangerous. 14% of respondents could offer no opinion.

I repent, Margaret, sprinkling my head with ashes and all that)))

I repent, Margaret, sprinkling my head with ashes and all that.)
And Merkel didn't show up to the summit at all... I guess she's ashamed of what she said earlier....

I told you there was no sign of a U-turn...

It was reported today that the Eurogroup is calling on the eurozone countries to develop individual plans in case Greece leaves the currency bloc. This was reported by Reuters, citing unnamed officials in the currency bloc. At the same time agreement on the actual start of preparations for the exit of Greece from the eurozone was reached during a teleconference of the working group on May 21, 2012.

The report noted that no plans had been prepared at the eurozone level to prevent the possible consequences of Greece's exit from the bloc "due to fears of information leaks".

Meanwhile, Greece's exit from the monetary union, if it is inevitable, should be handled as an "amicable separation", according to a confidential document from a eurozone country. Athens will have to be given appropriate financial aid by the European Union and the International Monetary Fund.

It's worth noting that not only politicians, investors and financial analysts, but also ordinary people are concerned about the fate of Greece and the entire Eurozone. According to a survey published on RBC's website, 39.8% of respondents believe the earliest possible withdrawal of Greece and other problematic countries from the European monetary block is necessary. Meanwhile, 27.7% of those who voted said this move won't end the crisis, 12.7% negatively evaluated the withdrawal of problematic countries from the bloc and believe the entire eurozone will suffer, another 5.8% assessed such a decision as "dangerous. 14% of respondents could offer no opinion.

Hi, the prognosis for Greece is that Greece will remain in the EU.
And Merkel didn't show up to the summit at all... Must be ashamed of what she said earlier...

Why did she not agree with Olando or did he make a fake offer? do you know?

Tomorrow is the euro day, not today, maybe a pullback on the German news:

here comes the pullback...

Greece comes up with alternative currency

Experts from DeutscheBank see the possibility of Greece's successful fulfillment of obligations to international creditors in the introduction of a parallel currency in the territory of the state and even found a name for it - the euro. Such proposal is contained in the study published on Tuesday, May 22. The new currency could be put into circulation in the form of Greek government bills that would be allowed to be resold, dpa news agency pointed out. Initially, this "monetary unit" would be heavily devalued against the euro. A prudent fiscal policy could strengthen it. And the parallel implementation of structural reforms in the Greek economy will preserve the possibility of a return to the euro. At the same time, Deutsche Bank considers it unlikely that Greece will completely abandon the single European currency, as the majority of the population is in favor of maintaining it.


What did she and Hollande fail to agree on? Or did he make a fake proposal? no idea?
No, I think Hollande also said he would not allow Greece to leave the euro zone.

A further 5.8 per cent rate such a decision as "dangerous"

I include myself among them..... After all, she will be the first if there is....Who will be the second ? Germany? And we won't be seeing any of Eva's blockbuster rise :)
No I don't, I think Hollande also says he will not allow Greece to leave the euro zone
