Humour - page 67


Looks like this granny will be remembered every year now.
The year was different, from Japan.
The year was different, from Japan.

So the tests are different. There's no Japan in this one.
Lucky.....!!!!! Understand at the moment of making the trade you analysed trilliartseven hundred thousand times exactly at the very moment of opening, whether you will be lucky or not. The goal is to get lucky more often? BUT Working in the stock market is 50% luck!!!!!!
The point is that any system, even one codenamed Frau Ingebor, is likely to decline dramatically in the future. So.... isolated incident....

So the tests are different. There's no Japan in this one.
Did someone throw a valenki at the firing console on the A.P.L.?

There's going to be a long entry after this one... no after this one... no, there's another one... oh,another... oh,oh,oh... ouch....
Why are you picking on the man? He's demonstrating himself, and trading is a prop, like a clown's very big shoes.
In my classification, it's not a clown at all. It's just a joker. The title of a clown needs to be earned. For example, if a trader closes a position on a stop, and then immediately opens a new position in the same direction with the same volume, it is already a candidate for clowning. Or another example: opening 2 positions simultaneously in different directions (lock).