What is the average length of time it takes to understand the processes and identify some of the hidden patterns in forex? - page 5




6. The nonsense "outlined" on the internet. All systems actually work. 48%. They just need work.

Come on :) . Fuck it, I'll leave it to your professional conscience.

I am curious about something else - you call yourself a professional trader, what do you mean by that? How is a professional different from an amateur? :)

TheXpert: ... How is a professional different from an amateur? :)

In very short: having an understanding of the "process", at least to the extent that it allows you to earn consistently, even if it is a small percentage. One professional works the game for dozens and hundreds of amateurs.


Come on :) . Fuck it, I'll leave it to your professional conscience.

Another thing I am interested in - you call yourself a professional trader. How a professional is different from an amateur? :)

Apro-fessional is someone who has made an occupation his profession.

in simple terms, someone who earns his bread by doing it.

And in the context of "professional trader" this is the meaning used.

Although the word professional has another meaning: "a craftsman", although not all professionals reach such a level of skill.

So any beginner who has no other income, can say I'm a professional trader, although I would leave it at that only as a sole trader, at least until a person has worked in forex for at least 3 years.

I agree, the topic is great, but everyone is hampered by a thirst for quick and easy profits, which for some reason forex is considered to be ))))
And this is one of the traps for beginners in Forex - how much % p.a. is "normal". You look at all kinds of comrades... you can't get less than 1000% a month, right. :))))))) However, if one is not self-deceived, pretty soon such figures start filtering out very well... Imho - it is somehow easier in the stock markets - initially the figures are much more realistic.

Searching for patterns

they say that only people with an iq of over 120 can solve this problem

2 + 3 = 10
7 + 7 = 98
3 + 5 = 24
8 + 6 = ?

Frankly speaking - I've never understood the point of such exercises. Especially without any indication of solution time. :)
Why do you think so? Because you and your acquaintances, friends, buddies did not work out?

For me, yes, it didn't work out. I am very happy for you that something has worked out for you. However, your deliberately used sophism does not reject the fact: we do not know examples of making money on forex (more than a Folswagen). If they are known to you and it is not inconvenient for you to show them. Otherwise the argument starts to follow some childish stream: "you did not succeed, you are a fool". There will be facts - there will be an argument, there are no facts - the discussion is pointless. Conspiracy theories (no one will show it, because an inspector will come from the tax office - by the way, MICEX pays taxes...) and so on are somehow inappropriate. In the West-if you trade well they know about you or you create your own fund. Who do you know in the CIS countries who sells well? We do not take you into account - you are an exception to the rule, which does not confirm the rule.

Searching for patterns

they say that only people with an iq of over 120 can solve this problem

2 + 3 = 10
7 + 7 = 98
3 + 5 = 24
8 + 6 = ?

By the way, yes, if you think about it: multiply the first number by the sum of the first and second?
By the way, if you think about it: multiply the first number by the sum of the first and second?

The solution is not one and combinations can be picked up with variants too, so I do not understand the sense in this post if everything comes down to relativity (relative to what to look, obviously not relative to the justice of arithmetic actions initially)

as well as adding brackets and multiplying by a number, I might as well do

(2+3) *2=10


(3+5)*3 =24


If we continue the row, then yes, my variant can be already excluded, but meanwhile we need to see the development of the row to the right of the regularities on the left, and within the limits of the given numbers, such a combination also takes place.

I am not sure if the test for iq is initially tricky and wrong, but leo can evaluate himself that way if he wants, and then be proud of his ability to be IQ-able.

I'll stand aside with my stupidity, though.


In very short: having an understanding of the "process", at least to the extent that it allows you to earn consistently, even if it is a small percentage.

And an amateur trader means anyone who has enough IKU to open a position?

Soon schoolchildren will call themselves pro-traders.


I don't think a person with such a good knowledge and experience in calculations has spent so much time going through a meaningless pile of TS that are lying on the Internet.

My knowledge in science is much more modest, but even I had enough for 2-3 years to give up completely on that nonsense that they write and to change thoroughly my attitude to analysis, having understood that without multicurrency and searches inside a cluster initially there is nothing to do at all.

Why does this happen in general, people seem to be very well scientifically savvy, what is it - a riddled brain with standards, or is it an attempt to try everything on those methods that exist

You are clearly overestimating people with a good science background. They tend to put the scientific method ahead of the idea. Often there is nothing in their methods but the method itself. For them, the market is not important, it is only the object of application; what matters is the method itself. They spend years fighting windmills that in fact don't even exist. Just generate simple and sensible ideas and then the market will reciprocate. I can say with certainty that the depth of an idea is inversely proportional to its complexity - the market knows this and proves this rule to me every day.