Typing question - page 9

Alexey Navoykov:

I.e. if you accidentally mix up the flies with the cutlets, to make it as difficult as possible to detect the problem?

Well, name them as price and time structures, define operator= and copy constructor with error output so that you don't confuse them. The point is that in 99% of cases (for price, and in all 100% for time) twice as much memory is used for storage than actually needed.

Ilya Malev:

Well, name them as price and time structures, define operator= and copy constructor with error output, so as not to confuse them. The point is that 99% of cases (for price and 100% for time) use 2 times more memory than actually required.

As for the previous option, I recommend creating separate types with enum instead of int (for example, enum price { }; enum time { }; etc.) and using them in all functions. In this case, some kind of type control is ensured.

Alexey Navoykov:

As for the previous option, I recommend creating separate types with enum (for example, enum price { }; enum time { }; etc.) and using them in all functions instead of int. In this case, some kind of type control is ensured.

I did not intend to practically use int instead of price and time without wrapping it into structured types. This example was just the most obvious to demonstrate the basic principle. And in the most obvious cases you can do so, when the probability of error is excluded by the context.


Why are you doing this? To show that programmers are some kind of a special elite, possessing some secret knowledge beyond the minds of plebs? One is trying to make different types of data identical, the other is advising to divide one type of data into different types. When you look at what you are doing, your first impression is - wow, that's skulls. And when you figure it out, it turns out to be crazy brain masturbation. Such colossal mental effort is made only for the sake of preserving some little cockroach in your head. Although who knows, maybe it's just the beginning of the anthill))

Is it your design to fuck with the world around you, or are you really mad?


What a stream of consciousness, impressive :)

That we're all a bit crazy is true, some more than others :)

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Why are you doing this? To show that programmers are some kind of a special elite, possessing some secret knowledge beyond the minds of plebs? One is trying to make different types of data identical, the other is advising to divide one type of data into different types. When you look at what you are doing, your first impression is - wow, that's skulls. And when you understand it, it turns out that it is crazy brain masturbation. Such colossal mental effort is made only for the sake of preserving some little cockroach in your head. Although who knows, maybe it's just the beginning of the anthill))

Is this your idea of screwing with the world or are you really mad?

I don't know how to program and I just don't understand what he's talking about, so I get an inferiority complex after such topics. I think that's what they're after :)

What is the point of reading a programmers forum if you can't program (and don't want to learn)? Personally, looking at some of the members of this forum I understand that I am a fucking amateur, but I participate because I do it to some extent and it is interesting to me
Ilya Malev:
What is the point of reading the forum of programmers if you can not program (and do not want to learn)? I personally look at some of the participants of this forum and realize that I'm a fucking amateur, but I participate because I do it to some extent and it interests me

I want to, that's why I read it.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

I don't know how to program at all and I just don't understand what they're talking about, so I have an inferiority complex after such topics. I think that's what they're after :)

come on, programming is easy, but you need to know the secrets! that's what the last few pages in this thread are about!

here is the secret:https://habr.com/sandbox/124441/


Programming is fun. During successful programming the programmer feels good and wants to repeat it, (and the body, automatically, forms neural networks...)

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