[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts & Consequences (Episode 12: February 2012) - page 93


you're good at it.....

and if you see 29, what do you think? ))))

Just buying in, both at 1.29 and 1.28. For weekend reflection))):



I told you guys that you will not see the annual overhaul for six months. So go figure it out on your own.

then don't listen. But you will see that I am right. Time will tell.

What would you do if everything happened exactly the opposite of your "vision"?

Margaret, at least try to highlight your remarks somehow (e.g. like this: >>. Or simply in italics), so that it is clear where the quote is and where your reply is.

I'm not even asking for it to be framed the way it's done in the forum if possible. The engine has glitches, and not everyone is qualified to change the html code (leftmost button or F12).


Just buy in, both at 1.29 and 1.28.

aha.... and then on to 27 and 26))))

Stranger I realise I'm still growing from your experience but sometimes it's just confusing to be so sure....

Does the price know she's not allowed on 26?


aha.... And then on to 27 and 26))))

Reyata, what are we talking about, opera? I'm not really interested in that.
It's closing time in London and the Amerks can do anything, especially on Friday! Watch out!

Just buying in, both at 1.29 and 1.28. For weekend reflection))):

We'll see after the "passes", the main thing is to buy euros together with margaret!

We'll see after the "passes", the main thing is to buy euros !
selling an accordionist? ))))

Margaret, at least try to highlight your remarks somehow (like this: >>. Or just in italics), so that it's clear where the quote is and where your reply is.

I'm not even asking for it to be formatted the way it's done in the forum if possible. The engine has glitches, and not everyone is qualified to change the html code (leftmost button or F12).

OK, I was just writing in haste... I'm tired already for a week, it's time to rest...
You know I'm not indifferent to trends ))))
You get the point of my picture now? I warned you.
selling the accordion player? ))))

Both selling and buying the "devilman"!