Econometrics: one step ahead forecast - page 137


Is the PF a Fourier transform? If so, what are the "centres" of the Fourier transform (and I think one transform is enough, three is a bit much). And I take it that you want those numbers 56, 81 and 14, found by MESA method, just substitute them into PF? And get a deterministic model that will describe the market in the near future? Have I got that right?

Three PFs with specified centres. Since the PF will cover some bandwidth, small variations within the bandwidth do not play much of a role
Three PFs with the specified centres. Since the PF will cover a certain frequency band, small variations within the band do not play a special role
I don't get it. PF is a row, i.e. you will take 3 times the row - three rows in total? And how will you get the final value? And where do you get the "band" and where do the fluctuations within the "band" come from? What band, there can't be a "bandwidth". Artistically speaking, you have already "skipped" everything, leaving only 3 frequencies. Or have you forgotten what other frequencies?
I do not understand. TF is a series, i.e. you will take 3 times of a series, i.e. three series in total? And how will you get the final value? And where do you get the "band" and where do the fluctuations within the "band" come from? What band, there can't be a "bandwidth". Artistically speaking, you have already "skipped" everything, leaving only 3 frequencies. Or have you forgotten what other frequencies?

I don't get it. PF is a row, i.e. will you take 3 times a row - three rows in total? And how will you get the final value?

Let's take three MAs as an example. We take the upper one with the period 140 and enter at reversals of lower periods. The usual method of TA.

And where does the "band" come from and where do the oscillations within the "band" come from? What band, it can't be that "bandwidth". Artistically speaking, you have already "skipped" everything, leaving only 3 frequencies. Or have you forgotten what other frequ encies?

Bandpass is a bandpass filter: the cutoff at the bottom and the cutoff at the top are specified, + the front, which will take up more frequencies. There are no other PFs.


to faa

На примере трех МА. Берем старшую с периодом 140 и делаем входы при разворотах на младших периодах. Обычный прием из ТА.

What makes you think that the MESA peaks are answered by MA???? Where did you get such sacred knowledge? PF is not your Fourier transform but a bandpass filter?

I'm sorry, can you explain clearly. You take three in the end of what? Three bandpass Filters or three Fourier transforms? What do you apply them to? To the MA, if to the MA.

Actually, where did you get the filter from, do you want this filter to filter out the frequencies you found? Where were you looking for these frequencies? On a quote, and you want to filter the MA?

PS: Did you make this up yourself or read it somewhere? I have a feeling that you're reading it, but you haven't got to the end of it or you haven't understood it yet.

Bandpass is a bandpass filter: you specify the cutoff at the bottom and the cutoff at the top, + the front end, which will take up more frequencies. There is no other PF.

Unfortunately, I know what a bandpass filter is, the question is that you understand what you want to do.

Ok, creative whizzes!!!


to faa

What makes you think that MESA peaks are answered by MA???? Where did you get such sacred knowledge? PF is not your Fourier transform but a bandpass filter?

I'm sorry, can you explain clearly. You take three in the end of what? Three bandpass Filters or three Fourier transforms? What do you apply them to? To the MA, if to the MA.

Actually, where did you get the filter from, do you want this filter to filter out the frequencies you found? Where were you looking for these frequencies? On a quote, and you want to filter the MA?

PS: Did you make this up yourself or read it somewhere? I have a feeling that you're reading it, but have not yet understood it or read it to the end.

Unfortunately, I know what a bandpass filter is, the question is that you would understand what you want to do.

Ok, creative whizzes!!!

PF is a bandpass filter. It is applied to a quotation.

The peaks don't match the MAs. I had the system described - but it involved PFs.

Generally speaking, how to use this information is not clear. It is clear that there are three memories with specified periods in the quotation.

No. Enlighten me if you don't mind, or preferably a link.

??? Have they started google-banning?)

In a nutshell: in casual wandering, dangling in place is the least likely outcome.


??? Have they started googling?)

In short : in casual wandering, dangling in place is the least likely outcome.

Thank you. Brief and to the point.

So there you go... It turns out that in econometrics there is the notion of a bandpass filter... And the authors of this invention are, of course, econometricians?

.... Advertising: I'll calculate bandpass filters of any complexity. Expensive.



So there you go... It turns out that in econometrics there is the notion of a bandpass filter... And the authors of this invention are, of course, econometricians?

.... Advertising: I'll calculate bandpass filters of any complexity. Expensive.


Watching you as some unicum with a question: will you start reading anything at least at table of contents level, e.g. the STATISTICS package? You'll see that all your energy will be used up on barbs. And there will be at least some useful residue.
Watching you as some sort of unicum with the question: will you start reading anything at least at the table of contents level, like the STATISTICS package? You'll see that all your energy will be spent on barbs. And there will be at least some useful residue.

eh, faa... you shouldn't read the package... you should study the relevant subject.

It's becoming increasingly clear that your econometric knowledge is limited to reading the descriptions of several econometric packages... without understanding the what, how and why...