Free lectures from Stanford University - page 2

judging from what he said, he seems to have been cured of cancer during the performance?

" while performing" is either superfluous or a new way of fighting cancer.



" while performing" is either redundant or a new way of fighting cancer.


About a year ago I was diagnosed with cancer. I got a scan at 7:30am and it clearly showed a tumour in my pancreas. I didn't even know what a pancreas was. The doctors told me that this type of cancer was incurable and that I had no more than three to six months to live. My doctor advised me to go home and get my affairs in order (which in doctors means to prepare for death). It means trying to tell your children what you would have said in the next 10 years. It means making sure that everything is arranged safely, so that your family has as much ease as possible. It means saying goodbye.

I lived with this diagnosis all day. Later that evening I had a biopsy - they stuck an endoscope down my throat, went through my stomach and intestines, stuck a needle in my pancreas and took some cells from the tumour. I was passed out, but my wife, who was there, said that when the doctors looked at the cells under the microscope, they started screaming because I turned out to have a very rare form of pancreatic cancer that could be cured by surgery. I had the operation and now I' m fine.

Death came closest to me then, and hopefully closest in the next few decades. Having lived through it, I can now say the following with more certainty than I did when death was a useful but purely fictional concept:
I was diagnosed with cancer about a year ago. I got a scan at 7:30am and it clearly showed a tumour in my pancreas. I didn't even know what a pancreas was. The doctors told me that this type of cancer was incurable and that I had no more than three to six months to live. My doctor advised me to go home and get my affairs in order (which in doctors means to prepare for death). It means trying to tell your children what you would have said in the next 10 years. It means making sure that everything is arranged safely, so that your family has as much ease as possible. It means saying goodbye.

I lived with this diagnosis all day. Later that evening I had a biopsy - they stuck an endoscope down my throat, went through my stomach and intestines, stuck a needle in my pancreas and took some cells from the tumour. I was passed out, but my wife, who was there, said that when the doctors looked at the cells under the microscope, they started screaming because I turned out to have a very rare form of pancreatic cancer that could be cured by surgery. I had the operation and now I' m fine.

Death came closest to me then, and hopefully closest in the next few decades. Having lived through it, I can now say the following with more certainty than I did when death was a useful but purely fictional concept:

Shit, it's understandable.

Let's see your quote--

from what he said, he seems to have been cured of cancer during his speech?

Take out the extra stuff.

He said he seemed to be cured of cancer?

I get the point, but now if you add "in the act".

then you've got a new cancer-fighting method.

He said he was cured of cancer when he spoke?

Yeah, I can see that... but I think everyone got it right.
Yeah, I can see that... but I think everyone got it right.
There you are, writing your Tz's.)
There you go, writing your Tz's.)
where is the accent in the word?

Emphasis is not in the word. Emphasis in thought! == sync, corrected by elderman ==


No Brother-3 - for the inadequate I clarify - I am a postmodernist!

Emphasis is not in the word. Emphasis in thought! // brother-3
That's what I mean... I can imagine the programmers and Michael agonizing, asking, asking again, looking for the accent in the thought!)
where is the accent in the word?
And in the neck? ))
That's what I mean... I can imagine the programmers and Michael agonising, asking, asking again, looking for the accent in the thought!)
Don't overestimate their anguish. They just don't communicate with him....