FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 281


20pp could have been taken 5 times for sure))))

I don't really care what you may or may not take ... :-))) ( I'm just making a PYTHIA prediction ), and the price fluctuations between predictions

are unimportant to me... it's not to make money, but to justify the strategy...


I don't care much what you can take ( or not take ) ... :-))) ( I just give a forecast on PYTHIA ), and price fluctuations between forecasts

are unimportant to me... it's not about making money, it's about justifying a strategy...

I see.


I don't care much what you can take ( or not take ) ... :-))) ( I just give a forecast on PYTHIA ), and price fluctuations between forecasts

are unimportant to me... it's not about making money, it's about justifying a strategy...

In that case, it would be logical to specify from which price to count 20 pips ;)

In that case it would be logical to specify from which price 20 points should be counted.)

It would be possible to show a screenshot as well))))

As long as we are inside two channels, both downward and upward, the channels are formed by fans.

And if we are talking about a linear regression, there is no break-down until 4440 and we are still falling.


As long as we are inside two channels, both downward and upward, the channels are formed by fans.

And if we are talking about a linear regression, there is no break-down until 4440 and we are still falling.

What channels? What fans? Post a screenshot, because it's not clear what you're talking about.

Which channels? Which fans? Post a screenshot, because it is so unclear what you are talking about.

What channels are there, buy and bye, long and far.


Hello to all the bull-bears ...

As always two directions ... If we break through, let's go higher ... if not, let's go to the bottom line or maybe we will stop at the nearest triangle's border .... ... Let's wait and see


What channels are there, bye and bye, long and far away.

On Monday we will be expecting a 50-100p pullback.
We will expect a 50-100p pullback on Monday.

Even if by 200-300p, it will still be up.