FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 271


You've got to be kidding 8-), I knew about the 27.07 hai two months ago, Gunn whispered it to me:

Here's what happened. I was testing an idea Mixon gave me about Gunn's square. I immediately saw that the guy was idealizing the tool, to put it mildly, and suggested a counter-version:

1. He started from extremum near 9/11 - very significant day of the year (John the Baptist's head truncation), cataclysms are attracted to it, it's a coven.

2. without any manipulations I typed statistics - no preset patterns, horoscopes, manipulations, shifts of start date etc., the square had to manifest itself.

3. Main idea according to Pareto rule: 80% of extrema will be chaotically scattered around the square, and 20% will be 80% organised.

4.A clear diagonal of highs appeared in the figure and I traced it -- surprisingly, the high of 27.07 is clearly on it.

This diagonal is the angle to which EURUSD reacts and no mysticism)))

My chart does not coincide with yours

It should be, it's H4. But I don't see any buying on the hourly as well.

By the way, on the pound I put the tp at 1.6110.

Handelsblatt: The Chinese are getting nervous about the US crisis.

It should be, it's H4. But I don't see any buying on the hourly as well.

By the way, on the pound I put the tp at 1.6110.

I mean, should the four-hour charts not be the same for me and you?
I mean, you and I shouldn't have four-hour timetables?

This is because of different server times.

Analysts at Barclays Capital point out that in the event of a worst-case outcome in the United States, the situation in the forex market will be more difficult than in the stock market.

If the stock market reacts unambiguously to the bad news, the FX market will see a shock to the US market on the one hand and a general global shock on the other hand, negatively influencing investors' risk appetite. To a certain extent, the former shock would overshadow the latter as far as the general effect on the USD exchange rate is concerned. The bank remains of the opinion that the liquidity of the US market and the safe-haven status of the dollar will play a role.

Experts believe that the American authorities will only reach a short-term agreement by August 2, since there is too little time left to work out long-term solutions. At the same time, namely long-term action is of key importance, firstly, because the fate of the US credit rating directly depends on it and secondly, as the country's debt problems themselves are extremely serious. If the USA does not get its finances in order, the whole world economy will suffer.

Further fiscal tightening will negatively affect the country's economic growth rate, weakening the dollar, as US monetary policy is likely to remain soft for longer than currently anticipated.

According to the bank, President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner are unwilling to compromise, as each is hoping that the other side will not hold out at the last moment and give in first.

I'm off for a fishing trip! Happy end of the week, everyone!

It's because of the different server times.


this is my very first tS 3 hours time difference - on one terminal to watch on the other to trade (then it was clarified on one of them was the mcc time)
this is my very first tS 3 hours time difference - on one terminal to watch on the other to trade (then it was clarified on one of them was the mss time)
thought time machine? )))))