Searching for market patterns - page 102

As soon as the "fixed points" are set "in their pure form", the idea of a "system" can immediately be scrapped. Only percentages will allow the system to live.
Explain why please. There are big doubts on this point.
Because there is no such thing as "the smallest", there is no such thing as "the biggest". There is only "likeness". And only the "likeness" can be used as a basis for calculating specifics.
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I did not know that such a miracle exists, it opens new horizons)

Do patterns, if they exist and depend on the TF, apply to non-standard ones? I understand a pattern as something created by the masses (not necessarily conscious) or individual players, whose actions influence the course of prices.

I.e., are patterns present in non-standard TFs provided that the pattern is a derivative of people's actions and its qualitative characteristics depend on the timeframe?

Non-standard TFs, are they non-standard for whom?

Thank you, I see now, it's the elderflower in the garden.

Why not? We're trading on probability.

Why. We are trading probability, aren't we?

You could argue here.

Probability is a elusive thing, but one or three or so (discrete by definition) "pips" is sometimes, as a problem statement...



Because a lot of people are into continuous distributions.

Because there is no such thing as "the smallest", there is no such thing as "the biggest". There is only "similarity". And only the "likeness" can be used as a basis for calculating specifics.

one pip profit is the 'smallest'...


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Why not? We're trading probability, aren't we?
People trade. And people don't count percentages for the most part. But the fall of 100 points is a signal for them, while the fall of 0.38129% - no.
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