Gunn, astromechanics. Forecasts, discussion - page 62



If you go back 1000 years, you can find ample evidence of how history has repeated itself. From 916 - 923 A.D. Europe went down the same path in the same conditions 1000 years later, around 1914 - 1920. During the first period mentioned there were European wars, panic and crop failures. History shows that in 916 agriculture in the British Isles was very poor and there was a big shortage of wheat and grain. People practically did not cultivate the soil because of the war. The same thing happened 1000 years later in 1916 and 1917 when the country needed to supply food to starving Europe, send men there and help financially to save their army from defeat. In 917, Constantinople was besieged by the Bulgarians and the war continued until 919. In the period between 1914 and 1919 the war prevailed in Turkey and spread all over Europe. In 923 there was a civil war in France and 1000 years later, in 1923, there was trouble again in France, which continues to this day.

Oh, but that's how it is - what a curve of trader's luck has led... Thank you for the historical overview. I never would have imagined that a purely "Masonic strategy" would have resulted in all this... :-)))

REPLAY MORE!!! :-)))


Oh, but that's how it is - where the curve of trader's fortune has led... Thank you for the historical overview. I never would have imagined that a purely "Masonic strategy" would result in all this... :-)))

REPLAY MORE!!! :-)))

When I buy a plane, you'll probably laugh at yourself.)
When I buy an aeroplane, you'll probably make fun of yourself )

Come on, come on...

P.S. I don't mind having a laugh right now, including at myself... :-)))


Good time, all!

Actually I wasn't going to post anything on this forum but I personally liked how Mixon777 figured out the calculator's mathematics - the square of 9.
Nevertheless, I'll answer your questions and get back to yours on "open".


Exactly, 14 is half 1/2 of 28 (the Moon).

As for 3 - 4, 28/8 =3.5, however, at Gunn's insistence, it is worth recalling the Bible and the verse about Jonah.
Briefly, just the gist, the logic.

One day God sent a certain Jonah on an important errand, Jonah set out, but somehow hesitated and took his time. Then God commanded the whale to swallow Jonah for 3 days and 3 nights (Jonah was sitting in the whale's belly the whole time, not on the way), which the whale did, only on the fourth day, according to scripture, did the whale release Jonah from its belly. Once out in the open, Jonah continued on his way to the same goal and reached it.

Now, the scripture does not say when exactly on the 4th day the whale released Jonah from his womb. So 3 or 4 days, however!

As for the 14 days, the Bible has a different instruction from the Lord, it describes the actions required when (after) his resurrection (the new birth from the old, rebirth) takes place. The Passover.

There is also another way of looking at it, there is the "holy trinity" and the "angelic measure", which together give, among other things, the time that was mentioned above. The "angelic measure", represented graphically, is what Gunn himself called a "universal pattern".

There is a system of qualitative assessment of the trend, as part of Gann's overall concept, and there is a system of quantitative assessment, i.e. a set of different methods, each of which implements a different process model at a particular interval of time.

If we look from the side of modern science, there is a banal hierarchy of systems. The Earth, as a system, is itself only a part of a higher order system, much less people as systems of an even lower order. Hence resonances and everything else.


You can, do it, no one is stopping you, the price data is publicly available. Your personal experience and accumulated knowledge will not replace any words of another man.


Actually, what you call a box is called a Gann pattern chart. In the template chart there are 3 types of angles, 1 - horizontal - price, 2 - vertical - time, 3 - diagonal, price - time, they are also speed angles.

Maybe you have something wrong with your eyesight, the time angles are vertical.


The size of your ego, judging by your comments, doesn't correspond to volume of your knowledge and level of understanding of essence. It can deplorably reflect on your present and future.

I urge you, at the very least, to think about it (I'm serious!).

With respect,

Victor (Ferro)

Victor, what do you consider the beginning of the year as the starting point of the annual cycle? Why does Gunn's square count from the right side of the square counterclockwise?
Victor, what do you consider the beginning of the year as the starting point of the annual cycle? Why in Gunn's squares is counting counterclockwise on the right side of the square?

It makes no difference whether the square is clockwise or counterclockwise - the angles, degrees are the same - you do not care which side you look at the ball - you will not see anything new -

You're waiting for a shovel to dig for diamonds - but that's 90% personal knowledge! - It's true that in the world of zombie TV, and the entertainment industry - it's very hard for the average user to do - but if I say so, you are ahead of the game - I have my topic on Skype and there I have itemized everything!

Victor, what is the beginning of the year as the starting point of the annual cycle? Why does Gunn's square count from the right side of the square counterclockwise?

I tried to rotate both to the left and to the right, there is no displacement, it shows the same way, but in the reverse order, the fact is described in Mikula.

Let's deal with the lunar cycles and see if there's anything else...

While I was writing, Mihon had already answered...


Thank you, Victor, very informative.

Mixon, calm down, no one needs a shovel by and large, just like diamonds. It would be better to ask something constructive.



Actually, what you call a box is called a Gann template chart. There are 3 kinds of angles in the template chart, 1 - horizontal - price, 2 - vertical - time, 3 - diagonal, price - time, aka speed angles.

Maybe you have something wrong with your eyesight, the time angles are vertical.

With respect,

Victor (Ferro).

No, there's nothing wrong with my eyesight... Maybe the monitor is crooked...?

I cannot agree with you, then the zodiacal circle collapses, consequently the lunar cycle.