Gunn, astromechanics. Forecasts, discussion - page 51

That's my point. First, the story will show you what's what and how, step by step, and then, if it all works out, you can shout: "Great! Glitter!" I'd like to see a little more specificity.

Yes that "phonish" like a radio receiver, man not Gunn, saw something new...soon there will be either confirmation or denial.... I'll put a buy on confirmation.... lot 5.0(for now)


Bullshit ! but still ! it's a bummer ! the 29th year of the collapse and the bottom of the american economy - now pay attention ! to the dates in the corners !!!!111

Gunn predicted the beginning and end of WW2 - and it all came true and people wondered how he made those calculations ? -

What's worse is that the turning point of the war was in '43 - the war in Vietnam '65 !

fuck living in the matrix ! i'm going crazy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!))))))))))))))))))))) 33 years old ! Hitler came to the end of the war at 35 and started ruling Germany 41 - 45 all on the corners ! aah !

93, the war in iraq, the invasion of 2001, the twin towers.

There can't be that many coincidences in popular history in one place !

Relax, don't be so cynical. 33 years - jesus resurrected.The human annual cycle is 12 years, which means you're still 3 years away from your nearest corner)))) But that's more interesting...

Relax, don't get too cocky.33 years - jesus resurrected.The human annual cycle is 12 years, i.e. you're still 3 years away from the nearest corner)))) But that's more interesting...

In three years, there is nothing in 2012, maybe it will be in the corner of some.... But seriously, there is something in the square, I sit and wonder about some things, put some dates in Ganzila (or you can make a square in Excel), the interesting thing is that significant facts are cyclical, I am not talking about the market now, even from your life date of birth for interest, I think the square is a circular cycle.

Question where he got it, I looked for this square in the In, nothing like it, if you believe the followers, they say that he found it in India, who knows English can show Indians this square that they know about it, maybe they use it for some purposes, not necessarily in the market, maybe someone uses it for planting crops or something else, the square apparently very old.......

I'll throw in for the collection, about the squares.

Luke the Evangelist says that the baptism of the Saviour took place "in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar" (Luke 3:1) and at that time the Saviour "was thirty years old" (Luke 3:23). Then it must be admitted that the Nativity of Jesus Christ was not earlier than 748 and not later than 749 from the foundation of Rome.

The history of Ancient Rome stretches from the foundation of the city of Rome in 753 BC to the fall of the Roman Empire established under it in 476 AD.

Tiberius--Roman emperor who ruled from 14-37 AD. Pontius Pilate--Roman viceroy (procurator) in Judea from 26-36 AD. Consequently, according to Tacitus, Jesus was crucified between A.D. 26 and 36.

A.D. 276 - Revolts in Sicilian cities against Pyrrhus. A Carthaginian army lands in Sicily. Only Syracuse remains in the hands of Pyrrhus. The Samnites and Tarentians ask Pyrrhus for help.

On December 30, 1922, the First Congress of Soviets adopted the Treaty and the Declaration on the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and elected the Central Executive Committee (CEC). In 1924 the first Constitution of the USSR was adopted.

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (pseudonym Lenin; 10 (22) April 1870,Simbirsk - January 21, 1924, Gorki estate, Moscow Province) - Joseph Ulyanov.

Died 1924 !

Stalin died on 1 March 1953.

There is exactly 360 degrees between their deaths )

Also very vestigial moments the country had in 40 90 and 61 - usually the lowes before the war and collapse etc.

In the autumn of 1888 Ulyanov was allowed to return to Kazan. Here he joined one of the Marxist circles organised by N.E. Fedoseyev, where the works of K. Marx, F. Engels and G. V. Plekhanov were studied and discussed. In 1924 N. K. Krupskaya wrote inPravda:"Vladimir Ilyich loved Plekhanov passionately. Plekhanov had played a major role in the development of Vladimir Ilyich, and helped him to find the correct revolutionary approach, and therefore Plekhanov was for a long time surrounded by a halo for him: he was experiencing very painfully any slightest disagreement with Plekhanov.

after 1888 to 1922 exactly 180 degrees - the cycle beginning of the founding of the empire was by the cycles of 1888 - the final stage of the founding of the 1922 ussr

And now for Lenin ! date of birth - and facts

The Second Congress of the RSDLP took place in London from 17 July to 10 August 1903. Lenin took an active part in the preparation of the congress not only with his articles in Iskra and Zara; since the summer of 1901, he worked with Plekhanov on a draft programme of the party and prepared a draft charter[16]. The programme consisted of two parts - a minimum programme and a maximum programme;


In three years, there is nothing in 2012, maybe it will be in the corner of some.... But seriously, there is something in the square, I sit and wonder about some things, put some dates in Ganzila (or you can make a square in Excel), the interesting thing is that significant facts are cyclical, I am not talking about the market now, even from your life date of birth for interest, I think the square is a circular cycle.

Question where did he get it from, I looked up this square in the internet, nothing like it, if you believe the followers, they claim he found it in India, who knows English can show Indians this square, what do they know about it, maybe they use it for some purposes, not necessarily in the market, maybe someone uses it to plant crops or something else, the square appears to be very old.......

In '96 you could calculate cycles to 2012 using the square ! for the euro dollar!

If you took the bottom in 2002 - till 2004 in buy - then till 2005 -6 in SELL - then till 2008 in buy - then till 2010 in SELL

The fact of coincidence itself prompts to think about the matrix of events and the world, and the perfect harmony if you find the frequency of vibration

The end of empires is usually on cycles of 60 - 120 - 300 or 600 years - if the U.S. falls under this handout then if we take the cycle from the creation of the nuclear bomb in 44

theno........... in 72 a cycle of 180 degrees - there was a cold war - and that was probably the point at which 2 empires would die - the USSR later in 74 - we probably won the nuclear war - but still it was all over as the fallout destroyed all life

For example the cycles coincide - if the end of the past cycle comes the beginning of a new one, Tsarist Russia - USSR = Rome, Gauls etc.


And now please note - that since 22 - well the USSR is so accurate that in almost 70 years - the square has only been wrong by 1 year ! 1990 the year of collapse by cycles

One fact of Medvedev's life is a coincidence ???

Putin ! )

In 1976 he graduated from "Operative Staff Training Course" at Okhta ("401st School"), was certified as a junior officer (Senior Lieutenant of Justice) in the system of territorial agencies of the USSR KGB

Second President of the Russian Federation since May 7, 2000

And now please note - that since 22 - well the USSR is so accurate that for almost 70 years - the square has only been wrong for 1 year ! 1990 the year of the collapse in cycles

Yep, whoever is looking will certainly find it ... :-)))

P.S. Even a black cat in a black room at night, even though, a priori, it is supposedly not there.


so mihon, can we use the square?

or do you need to apply degrees like in the mayan calendar?

I read somewhere that a man laid out the cycles (applying them to the market) in a circle, and the star in the circle (i.e., in the five corners).


Luke the Evangelist says that the baptism of the Saviour took place "in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar" (Luke 3:1) and at that time the Saviour "was thirty years old" (Luke 3:23). Then it must be admitted that the Nativity of Jesus Christ was not earlier than 748 and not later than 749 from the foundation of Rome.

The history of Ancient Rome stretches from the foundation of the city of Rome in 753 BC to the fall of the Roman Empire established under it in 476 AD.

Tiberius--Roman emperor who ruled from 14-37 AD. Pontius Pilate--Roman viceroy (procurator) in Judea from 26-36 AD. Consequently, according to Tacitus, Jesus was crucified between A.D. 26 and 36.

A.D. 276 - Revolts in Sicilian cities against Pyrrhus. A Carthaginian army lands in Sicily. Only Syracuse remains in the hands of Pyrrhus. The Samnites and Tarentians ask Pyrrhus for help.

On December 30, 1922, the First Congress of Soviets adopted the Treaty and the Declaration on the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and elected the Central Executive Committee (CEC). In 1924 the first Constitution of the USSR was adopted.

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (pseudonym Lenin; 10 (22) April 1870,Simbirsk - January 21, 1924, Gorki estate, Moscow Province) - Joseph Ulyanov.

Died 1924 !

Stalin died on 1 March 1953.

There is exactly 360 degrees between their deaths )

Also very vestigial moments the country had in 40 90 and 61 - usually it's low before war and collapse etc.

In the autumn of 1888 Ulyanov was allowed to return to Kazan. Here he joined one of the Marxist circles organised by N.E. Fedoseyev, where the works of K. Marx, F. Engels and G. V. Plekhanov were studied and discussed. In 1924 N. K. Krupskaya wrote inPravda:"Vladimir Ilyich loved Plekhanov passionately. Plekhanov had played a major role in the development of Vladimir Ilyich, and helped him to find the correct revolutionary approach, and therefore Plekhanov was for a long time surrounded by a halo for him: he was experiencing very painfully any slightest disagreement with Plekhanov.

after 1888 to 1922 exactly 180 degrees - the cycle beginning of the founding of the empire was by the cycles of 1888 - the final stage of the founding of the 1922 ussr

And now for Lenin ! date of birth - and facts

The Second Congress of the RSDLP took place in London from 17 July to 10 August 1903. Lenin took an active part in the preparation of the congress not only with his articles in Iskra and Zara; since the summer of 1901, he worked with Plekhanov on a draft programme of the party and prepared a draft charter[16]. The programme consisted of two parts - a minimum programme and a maximum programme;

Maybe off-topic) but in 1476 Vlad Tepes (Dracula) died ( 1431 - 1476 )Count Dracula)) .This number in the bottom corner on the square where the report goes from 748)