[Archive! - page 499


"This is not falsification of election results, but a conspiracy to forcibly retain power"

Member of the regional political council of the United Russia party

Vladimir SEMAGO

Article in full http://www.novayagazeta.ru/politics/50210.html


The ruling "two-member" seems to have been pretty freaked out by the past rally. And the rally to come too!

Today Medvedev is talking about direct gubernatorial and Duma elections, electoral commissions, change-reform, etc...

"'Phobos-Grunt' could prove to be the most entertaining space programme if it falls to Earth, takes soil samples and flies to Mars with them."
"I'm sitting in a McDuck's. Suddenly Putin comes to my table, says 'No one will believe you anyway', takes the fries and a Coke and runs off."


Political connoisseurs.

Learn a 100% guaranteed truth for 2000 years, it goes like this - Revolution (revolt, etc.) is only successful if the government doesn't want to fight it. If they do, there has never been ANY successful revolution. To turn back after a successful revolution (counterrevolution) is the same as making a new one. This is a well-known truth. And the authorities are not afraid of anything.

If there is a real threat of a disturbance, they will arrest the activists and then release them, quietly poisoning them with some kind of sickness for a couple of years. And hello.

The fact that the government is moving towards democracy is its choice back in 1991.

You have to understand that democracy is this kind of shit that would first and foremost benefit the government. People do not benefit because 90 percent of the people are fools and they are like fools and want something that is not beneficial for them. The government would be better off because they are not responsible for anything at all. If something happens, you have chosen him. Who is to blame here.

But the fact that Boris or Peter sit on the Presidium does not change anything. :)

So the government will fight for democracy. :)

And they will change the Nanaian boys for you. :)

Fucking fighters against the regime. Who needs your truth and freedom? :)

It's funny. They were smart people when they were young. :)



Politicians are connoisseurs.

"Power" as you see it is some kind of holistic organism that lives off the people. In reality, "power" is made up of individuals and each of them (well, except Medvedev, of course) has his own interests.
"Power" as you see it is some kind of holistic organism that lives off the people. In reality, "power" is made up of separate individuals and each of them (well, except Medvedev, of course) has his own interests.
Never mind that. You see things differently from Goa. And what can an old-school drug dealer know about the government, except the number of the article on currency speculation?

You and I, the old fighters for justice, who have been reading Solzhenitsyn under the blanket at night and served our time in the torture chambers of the bloody Gobny, have the right to judge the government. And all those well-wishers, who give unhealthy scoops to the CIA for dough, may they continue to bask on white beaches by the blue seas for the change from these handouts!
I envy you. You both understand what he is writing. I get an "invalid operation" popping up on the first half of my text and rebooting. It's time to update.
I envy you. You both understand what he is writing. I get an "invalid operation" popping up on the first half of my text and rebooting. It's time to update.
Erase and forget. I read to the end, understood everything and erased it from my memory.