[Archive! - page 486


Take a break, smile, I'm sick of it.


In an expensive cafe in London, two gentlemen are sitting and reading the ‛Times'. Suddenly one of them drops the paper and exclaims irritably: ‛ Fuck you! "
The other, without taking his eyes off the paper, says in Russian: ‛You're right, sir, they got 50% of the vote again: we're stuck in London for a long time. "


The policy is exactly what is beneficial at the moment.

This is not the USSR with its totalitarian censorship and classical music on the radio.

This is democracy, you have to understand.

And do not confuse it with welfare.

So what the fuck is democracy?

House 2? Let them talk?

And Surkov is in charge of it all.


So what the fuck is democracy?

House 2? Let them talk?

And Surkov is in charge of it all.

Ksenia Sobchak has threatened to stop filming Dom-2 unless the election results are reconsidered.
Rallies of thousands were held across the country under the slogan "Churov, hold on!

The policy is exactly what is beneficial at the moment.

Sveta. WHO??? Do you personally benefit from this policy? Do you like it ("shuffle your heart")? If not, why are you defending it? )))

This is not the USSR with its totalitarian censorship and classical music on the radio.

Soon we will not see the difference if we continue to hide behind this "benefit". Or rather, we will see - it will be like North Korea.

This is democracy, you have to understand.


And don't confuse it with well-being.

Yes, yes! Life is suffering! )))

Let me quote: // very precise, in my opinion.

"The less human life is valued, the more unbearable the conditions of existence in the beloved homeland, the closer it is to the ideal. It is funny and strange that this suicidal sadomasochistic conception still dares to claim the role of state ideology. Yet it dares." // Bykov "WD"

Greetings Prokhanov!


Now it's the Americans' fault for wasting money on democracy. Of course, who can cheat? But no one can explain how these amers make the people in power live much better than the people they serve; buy 6-million-ton Mercedes for the people's money, hang a blinking light on it and crush pensioners on the road; rig elections; take bribes and kickbacks; call people condoms; make laws for the people, and live according to thieves' concepts themselves.... I am afraid that sending in the state department's money was not enough, they must have tortured our unfortunate officials with biscuits and jam...

Do not plunder, do not saw this oil money in a small circle like now, but spend it on the development of the country. And live like the people live, because the people live the way they have decided and by the same laws, and then no state department will come through.

Don't rock the boat! That's not true! We don't have that!

The elections were the fairest! Medvedev himself said so - like everything was fine there. We do not have crooks and thieves! Officials do not take bribes. No kickbacks either. They are selfless hard workers. All they care about is the good of the people!

The police are vetted, and only the most honest and decent are left!

The petrodollars are spent only for the good of the people! Dick trucks do not run over people! And if someone gets run over by a cocksucker truck, it's the villains themselves! -Yeah, -they're driving underfoot... Let those sheep walk and take the underground. Or else they'll buy themselves Fords and Volvos.

Officials do not buy villas on the Cote d'Azur in bulk. "United Russia is the party of incorruptible, selfless, crystal-clear people. The blinkers? Those aren't officials, those are all "liberals and shitcats," the Milovs and Zemts, who can squeeze them in illegally and get away with it.

================= (JOKING)

Figaro, really - don't rock the boat. Do not. Have a conscience! Otherwise these fat leeches - crooks and thieves - will not feel comfortable loafing around, clinging to our necks. And they're people, too. Just like us. It's just that they got to the trough a little earlier than others... So let them sit there.

Our job is to unite around the tandem, be content with very little, endure and sing the praises of the authorities. At least for another 20 years! Otherwise, the orange contagion from the world behind the scenes will creep in.

I'm sorry, are you an organiser to make such a claim?
Yes, I am one of the organisers, which is why I am surprised by such baseless and insulting statements.

P.S. Please note, I am talking about the case. What do I get from you in response? From a person who constantly demands "don't jump off" and stick to the topic of conversation?

So write them a letter: "So and so, I am a serious dissenter and generally an oppositionist. I'm planning to hold protests there and there against this and that. I hereby bid you adieu."

Apply for a grant.

They love them there.


So you don't have to organise rallies for free anymore.


))) It would be strange if it was sponsored by our Foreign Ministry. Or, even more "logically", by the CEC

The Foreign Ministry is illogical, but the CEC, which is interested in fair elections, is very logical and not strange.

The FCO is illogical, but the CEC, which is interested in fair elections, is very logical and not strange.

That's how they filed. They participated in the tender. They gave ... )))) to you know who. "Where to go ... ?"
And thank God. At least it's not our money being spent on us. What's wrong with that? Better these, for our money, with drums? ))) Oh, please...


Yeah. And acupeit wall street is funded, I take it, by our foreign ministry. Sort of a symmetrical response. )))

Yes, I am one of the organisers, so I am surprised by such baseless and offensive statements.

P.S. Pay attention, I am talking about the case. What do I get from you in response? From a person who is constantly demanding "don't get off the ground" and stick to the topic of conversation?

I am also talking about the cause.

Somehow it is possible to sponsor different political movements in Russia.

In the US, they wring their necks without a word for the same thing.

Traitors to the national interest are not tolerated there.



"Don't confuse democracy with welfare" (c) DAM