[Archive! - page 151



The GBI is that easy to spot them. The only place they don't do anything is in the gyms. Hard, I think it's their training instinct, they're fighting with each other in their workouts, I always get a kick out of their workouts, no gloves or anything like that. Their coach is a dickhead, too. The state needs people like that, I don't know.

Sad... Generally expected in principle, but a failure. All they did was expose the bastard nature of the machine. Well, at least that.

The GBI is that easy to spot them. The only place they don't do anything is in the gyms. Hard, I think it's their training instinct, they're fighting with each other in their workouts, I always get a kick out of their workouts, no gloves or anything like that. Their coach is a dickhead, too. The state needs people like that, I don't know.

To me, on the contrary, everything seemed quite mild, no fire, and most importantly the age, mostly from 20 to 25. They won't stand their ground. They will. It's just a matter of time.

One thing I can't understand yet. The Kremlin is vitally interested in Lukashenko in Belarus and Yanukovych in Ukraine.

Suppose Lukashenko is replaced by a sane man, turning the country towards common sense and Europe, this will be the end of the Kremlin. It only remains to find out the time when in Russia someone will be the first to say - if brothers Belarusians could do it, why are we worse?

Lukashenko has always been flogged by the Kremlin, but when they are too much, they run to help. Either someone is ready to take over from those friendly to the Kremlin or the personal has taken over their common sense and control is lost.


One thing I can't understand yet. The Kremlin is vitally interested in Lukashenko in Belarus and Yanukovych in Ukraine.

Suppose Lukashenko is replaced by a sane man, turning the country towards common sense and Europe, this will be the end of the Kremlin. It only remains to find out in what time in Russia someone will be the first to say - if brothers Belarusians could do it, why are we worse?

Lukashenko has always been flogged by the Kremlin, but when they are too much, they run to help. Either someone is ready to take over from those friendly to the Kremlin or the personal has taken over their common sense and control is lost.

Fuck knows, there is no stability in politics, everyone wins something, then releases it, then again, the priorities of opinions change every day, today this way, tomorrow that way, seven Fridays in a week.

Batska has no way out, the customs union sets conditions, he has to reform the economy, in principle this was bound to happen some time ago, we wanted to buy factories there, I do not know if they did, in Georgia they bought the port, I do not remember few years ago, then a war started with Russia in Georgia, I thought then our investments were dead, now Batka may not be stable, our guys wanted to invest billions there, how will it be now, they will probably put it off for some time. Although Belarus would really need the money given such a shaky economy, maybe he should chase away such economists, they cannot stabilize the situation...


Fuck knows, there is no stability in politics, everyone wins something, then releases it, then again, the priorities of opinions change every day, today this way, tomorrow that way, seven Fridays a week.

Batska has no way out, the customs union sets conditions, he has to reform the economy, it was bound to happen some time ago, I do not know if they have bought factories there, in Georgia they bought the port, I do not remember few years ago, then a war started with Russia in Georgia, I thought then our investments were dead, now Batka may not become stable, we wanted to invest billions there, how will it be now, they will probably put it off for some time. Although Belarus would really need the money given such a shaky economy, maybe he should chase away such economists, they cannot stabilize the situation...

The economy decides everything. And the balance sheet sings a romance. The country is making ends meet through foreign borrowing, the debt has not only been growing in recent years, but the growth rate has also increased . An arsehole is looming for 2013.

Who decides what the economy should be? - Politics. And there isn't one. There is one man sick to power. It's a dead end. It's a matter of time.

Martingeil: He should probably kick the economists in the neck, they can't stabilise the situation...

Not him, but him and them. Recently, figures have been slipping -- the domestic debt for concessional loans under state programs is 10 billion -- a third of the budget. Foreign debt is approximately the same figure.

It is the celebrated Belarusian miracle of investing into vampire enterprises, which are mostly loss-making, and the agriculture, based on obsolete collective farms working with technologies lagging a couple dozen years behind the world practices.

Mischek:It remains to be seen in what time in Russia someone will be the first to say - if brothers Belarusians did it, why are we worse?

Five years at least :) . Meanwhile, you will look at us sympathetically and say something like "You should have got into such a mess".


The economy decides everything. And the balance sings a romance. The country is making ends meet through foreign borrowing, the debt has not only been growing in recent years, but the growth rate has also increased . The arse is looming for 2013.

Take a closer look -- for this autumn-winter. It's one thing to look at the shelves and be outraged but quite another to look at the heating bill you have to pay.


Not him, but him and them. Recently, figures have been slipping -- the domestic debt for concessional loans under state programs is 10 billion -- a third of the budget. Foreign debt is approximately the same figure.

The Belarusian miracle, which is lauded for its investments into vampire enterprises, which are mostly loss-making, and into the agriculture, based on the obsolete principle of collective farms and based on the technologies that are a couple of dozen years behind the world practices.

Five years at least :) . During that time, you will look at us sympathetically and say something like "We are so fucked up.

Take a closer look -- for this fall and winter. It's one thing to look at the shelves and be outraged, but quite another to look at the heating bill you have to pay.

The external one is half the budget at the beginning of this year. Economically, you can skip this year while you can still borrow. At 13, you have to give a lot back and they won't give it to you.

Personally, I look at you with envy. We don't get that many people clapping. In our country, you can borrow from the outside for a long time, as long as oil and gas are relevant, and the grass cannot grow there.


Not him, but him and them. Recently, figures have been slipping -- the domestic debt for concessional loans under state programs is 10 billion -- a third of the budget. Foreign debt is approximately the same figure.

It is the lauded Belarusian miracle of investing into vampire enterprises, which were and are mostly loss-making, and the agriculture, based on the obsolete principle of collective farms and operating with technologies lagging a couple of dozen years behind the world practices.

Is it foreign state debt or foreign debt? They are just two different things, the foreign debt is not terrible it is equal to 120 billion in my opinion, while the national debt does not know if it exists at all and the amount is not significant, and we owe a lot more, so you need to look at what kind of debt the foreign debt does not affect the country, it mainly concerns the loans of joint ventures, banks, etc. Their classification is based on foreign debt I do not know exactly but I know exactly that it is not terrible.

Let the outdated investment come, it all can be replaced, but you cannot find a ready-made factory staff, you have all that, as Stalin said, the manpower decides everything. Belarus is a very attractive country in terms of investment. We need mainly agricultural machinery produced by factories, I do not remember exactly what they were talking about, you have many different factories, there may be others.

Our country has a different problem from other countries in terms of budget disbursement. Every year, they allocate money for various programs and our ministries cannot absorb it. There are figures in the billions not absorbed, if I had been given them, I would have absorbed them to the fullest.)