Warning! Your topic will definitely be deleted if... - page 2


this is something new. did you come up with it yourself or did someone tell you to do it?

Think of it as new to you, as long known (old) to everyone.

To simplify your understanding: the courts do not deal with "immorality" if it is not in an article of law.


Think of it as new to you, as long known (old) to everyone.

To simplify your understanding: the courts do not deal with "immorality" unless it is in an article of law.

In order not to enter into a [possibly] useless polemic, open, for example, a philosophical dictionary (any explanatory dictionary will do), and read the definition of "morality", "ethics", "law".
O_o! Here come the examples on the topic. :))

This isn't the first time I've seen threads created that should have been unreservedly deleted. I suggest that all those who wish to do so write down the rules here, violation of which will lead to the unconditional deletion of the topic already created. It really wants to clean the forum from junk and at the same time prevent its appearance in the future. Let's get started.

The reasons why your topic will be deleted mercilessly:

1. Inadequate name of the topic that does not reflect the essence of the question;
2. Topics in which there is not a line of code, which tried to write the author of the topic, but asks (read it demands) solutions or eager to get ready-made solution;
3. Topics that involve cholivar, insults. Even if something important was discussed in the thread.

Dear... your thread is the first to be deleted.

it doesn't meet all of its stated requirements, you've created yet another trashy thread.

should i explain it to you or will you figure it out on your own......


In order not to enter into a [possibly] useless argument, open, for example, a philosophical dictionary (any explanatory dictionary will do), and read the definition of "morality", "ethics", "law".

I believe you have a number of examples of 'punishments' for unethical behaviour not covered by an article of law.

(Gotta go away for an hour).


Dear... Your thread is the first to be deleted.

it doesn't meet all the requirements, you've created another thread.

should i explain it to you or will you figure it out on your own......

Dima, you have about 30 posts under your avatar. No offence to be blunt, but when you have at least a thousand of them, you'll understand me from a different perspective - you'll just get tired of flooding like I do. And then maybe you'll create a similar thread and moderators will be as patient with it as they are with this one now. Try to look at it all from the perspective of a user who spends hours trying to find the desired topic (valuable topic), but it is not there and does not even search engine does not help :(

Drknn, I don't think it's possible to create a utopian forum, but tightening the rules is possible.

But the other side of the coin is whether this forum will lose popularity.

I myself, for example, am the author of some of the flood threads and is unlikely any of the visitors to this forum has made a significant contribution.

But this is not a big promiscuity on the forum I like, on this forum I rest.

Maybe there is a criterion for the degree of flooding and moderators are controlled by, I do not know.


And this post of mine is also in fact FLOOD that has nothing to do with the MQL language.


It is clear that the forum has long ceased to be a forum dedicated solely to its main topic. In principle, this is a normal trend, indicating that new people are actively coming to the forum.

drknn, exact criteria that can be followed at all times without exceptions is probably impossible to create. They can only be some kind of guidelines and recommendations. And only some of them can become unconditional. But the unconditional ones have already been reflected in the rules of the forum. Perhaps you should work as a real moderator to understand this.

I understand your desire to break things down. But you know very well that real life does not lump it in the piles. It is inherently contradictory.

And forums that are too strictly moderated "by the letter" (and not "by the spirit") are generally not very popular. Or do you have counterexamples?


drknn 26.01.2011 10:57

I understand what you mean....., I think you need a different approach.

As for 30 messages, it is for nothing, I have been using the Internet for 15 years (this year).

I have no one to write about as I have a different approach to forex trading, and I have no desire to look for sympathizers and prove to pessimists.

If you do not believe me, look at my messages and see the difference between 90 percent of the approaches to trading (which have been chewed over 100 times) and what I do.

but i tried to hit the prediction theme and saw that it's at the level of killing a sorceress in the 15th century.......

I can suggest an approach to eliminate flooding and leave valuable information, if it will be interesting and of course in the top threads to bury and I think the attendance will be huge.

although you can figure it out on your own.

FLET: I can suggest an approach to eliminate the flooding and leave valuable information, if it would be interesting and, of course, in the top threads and I think the attendance would be huge.
Well, tell us, we will be glad to hear. That's what this thread is about.