Trace task (constructing a function graph) - page 8


The original request was for a trace to runtime. It's even the name of the topic. :)

Nah... he then specified that he wanted to get a graph.
Trace is like a way to get data.
I think he's still wondering what he really wants.
I think he's still wondering what he really wants.
Well, sort of, yeah... because the answer to the question "what does this very challenge graph provide?" is not clear.
I think he is still wondering what he really wants.

You got it right from the beginning, all you need is the ranting functions.

Well, it kind of is... because the answer to the question "what does this very call graph give?" is not clear.

I'll get it in proper shape soon.

But agree that the problem condition is just for "brain training". :)


You got it right from the beginning, you only need the timing functions.

Brr... So there are *planned* "hangs" and unused branches in the code?
For example, there were no errors in the runtime - and automatically all erroneous branches are not involved.
Why not include these calls in the graph?

But agree that the problem condition is just for "brain training". :)

Routine... Tracing is trivial with a destructor. And parsing is trivial.
I wrote a program to modify C++ code preserving source code formatting
(inserting trace on each line of code) - that's fun ;-) !!! And it's not for a long time. :-)

Как ни кручу - натыкаюсь на замкнутый круг, что надо вызывать не одну, а две функции для формирования такого дерева. А надо по-любому только одна. :)

To be honest I don't really understand the point, but you definitely need to write a function with a recursive call otherwise ... I think so
To be honest I don't really understand the point, but you definitely need to write a function with a recursive call otherwise ... I think so.

Read the whole thread. And the links.

Read the whole thread. And the links.
sorry, too many letters... you do a recursive function... that's the vicious circle you're running into... and when you do, if recursion doesn't suit you for technical reasons... there's a limited depth of recursion, for example, by then you'll know how to break that vicious circle... I had a similar problem, but recursion is essentially the only thing that saves me...
sorry, too many letters... you make a recursive function... that's the vicious circle you're stumbling into... and when you do, if recursion doesn't suit you for technical reasons... the depth of recursion is limited, for example, by then you'll know how to open this vicious circle... I had a similar problem that only recursion saves me...

The problem has already been solved and posted on MQL5.