atik: the conclusion is sad: the grail will not be allowed to exist!

Slav, we already know how they won't let DC exist. Let's not talk about it, or you will be banned again :) I am interested in the reaction of the market and not the individual personalities who manage the brokerage company. The market reaction. What is it?


I don't want to. In order to "fail" the market, the grail has to work for too long. We are approaching another property of a non-ideal grail - the duration of its action.

If a non-ideal grail exists, the trade conditions will worsen according to its perfection!!! A good example is the EUR- Danish krone, which has been traded in a narrow corridor since its creation and the spread is just larger than this corridor! (if you want - trade or not, don't trade!)

as the trading systems get better, the level of trading conditions will get higher and no one will let them go that far ( the one you are trading with will never lower the profitability of your establishment )

Farnsworth: Then maybe it makes more sense to raise the question of the existence of certain "phenomena" and the possibility of determining the duration of this existence? Otherwise, "grail" sounds rather vague. In my understanding, a grail is equivalent to full knowledge of a system. We are only a part of a system of integral indices and quotations, while a part cannot know the whole, as it is known. (both jokingly and seriously :)

Full knowledge of the system is the Perfect Grail. In short, the Lord God. Of course, it is necessary to determine the time of existence of the non-ideal grail and its "pouring capacity".

An example of the EUR - Danish Krona, which has been traded in a tight corridor since its existence and the spread is just bigger than this corridor ! (If you want to trade it, trade it, but if you don't want to trade it, don't trade it!)

1. large spreads - obviously not the machinations of a brokerage house.

2. there is no obstacle to profit at this currency pair

so there's a grail... it's up and running ... but where ? the dts will close if it's there ( all of them ).... !
Slava, why are all your conclusions based on the assumption that the only trading method is pips and the only kind of broker is a kitchen DC. Life is more diverse than that.

1. large spreads - obviously not the machinations of a brokerage house.

2. no obstacles to profit on this pair

It's not for nothing that many DTs don't trade it at all!
Slava, why are all your conclusions based on the assumption that the only trading method is pipsqueak and the only kind of broker is a kitchen DC. Life is more diverse than that.
why do you draw such conclusions? i'm not the scalping type at all ( but i see the lowest risk with short stops ) it's just a graphical issue, hence the trading at a cube brokerage house with big leverage and as a consequence the opportunity (in theory) to earn big money :) But opposition is possible to any profitable system, not just scalping ( as i wrote above )

So, 'forced one rod out of the reactor'. Let's define the concept. The IDEAL GRAL is a grail that makes no losingtradesat all.


There are a lot of such grails. 99.9% of them are really draining.

Can I, can I?!...

Nothing will happen to the market or the planet as long as the grail is in narrow limited access. In the same way there are billionaires now, I'm next to beggars. I'm not saying it's a good thing, but it doesn't cause cataclysms in and of itself.

It also matters in whose hands it falls. In the hands of the ignorant, you know, and the violin is a bad hammer...

You intrigue me. I'll see the film.