What form, let's assume a physical body, does time have? Your opinion. - page 6


Why not? Einstein proved that for fast moving objects, the passage of time slows down. A prime example is black holes.
Probably not. And if you look at it physically, there is no time. Not at all, time is an invention of man. (As if one could add - there are eternally existing entities about them saying never been born - but this is also unproven)
Time is simply the rate of change of the particles that make up us and everything around us. There are no spirals, predictions or anything else close to it. This speed may be decreasing (near a black hole due to gravity)

Tantrik: время это выдумка человека.

Not ready to dive that deep )))
Let's talk about physics, shall we? ..... Asked about the shape. Let's start with the number of dimensions. I 'perceive it' as one dimensional. Or are there other opinions?
Not ready to dive that deep )))
There are black holes! But their properties are on paper.
Tantrik: There are black holes! But their properties are on paper.
And how do you propose to get them? What's in there - no one knows.
And how do you propose to get them? What's out there - no one knows.
A black hole is just an ordinary material body, with enormous mass and as a consequence it has enormous gravity.

Tantrik: а вот ихние свойства на бумаге.

My thought was that maybe this topic of discussion is how the nature of market movements, thereby how patterns change, over time?
A black hole is just an ordinary material body, with enormous mass as a consequence it has awesome gravity.
No, that's not true at all.
No, that's not it at all.
What's wrong? It was all discovered in the last century