Stops - page 4


No. 3 is not to get knocked up.

Let's have a laugh. OK. I'm definitely fine with that. And the subject... well... some other time...


No. 3 is not to get knocked up.

Let's have a laugh. OK. I'm definitely fine with that. And the subject... well... some other time...

When the market is pulling back (the main duration for FX) it is more profitable to exit with limit stops. When the market is flat, it is more profitable to pull stops to the +. Most overnight systems are based on retracement and/or continuation of the day's trend. Breakout systems are based on pulling stops in active time. The latter are more suitable for trading in real markets rather than via DTs. And MT is not very suitable for testing of close stops because there may not be enough minutes.

What is there to discuss here? That the sky is blue and the water is wet?

That's not the point. It's about being in the market and not getting out...

Maybe you should not catch a trend with such persistence, maybe it is not a trend at all, and in order not to fly out, the stop should be where the market will show another trend direction, i.e. a stop is a stop reversal


My opinion, based on a lot of experience, is this:

1. Stops are mandatory. You cannot open a position without a stop loss.

2. Maximum loss per trade = 5-8% of the balance.

3. The triggering of a stop is a reversal of a position, i.e. the system must be reversed.

(The only exception to point 3 - is extremely low volatility, when it is very dangerous to open a position).


Mr Paukas, didn't you say you needed stops?

I did. What's been banned now?

My opinion, based on a lot of experience, is that:

1. Stops are mandatory. You cannot open a position without a stop loss.

2. Maximum loss per trade = 5-8% of the balance.

3. The triggering of a stop is a reversal of a position, i.e. the system must be reversed.

(The only exception to point 3 is extremely low volatility, when it would be very dangerous to open a position).

1. of course.

2. the maximum loss from a single trade depends on your system, or more precisely on the optimal MM of your system

3. Not necessarily (reversing a plum strategy in most cases does not lead to its evaluability).

He did. Has it already been banned?

not yet )))


not yet ))))

Listen to this. If you add a stop to the bullshit, you get a bullshit with a stop.

And if you don't add a stop, it's still a bullshit without a stop.


Listen to this. If you add a stop to the thing, you get a thing with a stop.

And if you don't add a stop, it's still a stop-less thing.

Are you saying that these days it's kosher not to put a stop, or that everything is just bullshit?

Are you saying it's kosher not to put your feet up or that it's all bullshit these days?

It's probably just bullshit. Two, actually: one that makes sense and one that doesn't. Although there may be other options.