What to do with the grail? - page 10

Oh, that sucker and bigwig again with his GBPJPY and GBPCHF, still won't realise that it comes down to CHFJPY. Which is, haha, in the channel -- for years.
Made a prediction - CHFJPY is flat, there really is something to it.
I made a prediction - CHFJPY is flat, there is something in it.

Particularly impressive is the flat from the 13th October to the 1st November and on to the 5th November. Two such awesome tri... fleets, my goodness gracious. =)

There's nothing special about it. Normal cross trade.


Particularly impressive is the flat from the 13th October to the 1st November and on to the 5th November. Two such awesome tri... fleets, my goodness gracious. =)

There is nothing special about it. Normal cross trade.

Nothing special - maybe as an option for a martin.

Well, when I hear "martin" my hand reaches for a parabellum. If the TS doesn't work, no amount of martin will save it.

Actually, the solution is very simple. Monitoring. The question is, for some reason, all the scammers who went this way suddenly disappeared from the forum. Even Niroba disappeared. And I thought that he always will be here to break our brains. =)

So, we will not wait for monitoring from this Nikola-Alexander-Sergei or whatever else he called himself (he's an honest man!).


Well, when I hear "martin" my hand reaches for a parabellum. If the TS isn't working, no amount of martin will save it.

I agree, until I developed my TS I was a Martin supporter - now I don't see the point in it.
I agree I was a Martin supporter until I started developing my axis - now I don't see the point in it.
It makes sense if we are talking about a system of betting management that provides expectation of the current deposit value equal to its initial value.

What to do with the grail?

Hmm... It's a bit odd... That's not the question. But what to do with the author? )))

2 Sabj-maker:

Start a "What to do with me?" thread // you'll like it...


I found it, but now I don't know what to do with it. )

For today, one thing is certain...

To the woods, to the baths, to the family.


For today, it is unequivocally...

To the woods, to the baths, to the family.

I had these treatments last week.
I had those treatments last week.

What does this have to do with you? The council was referring to the grail.

Did he wash himself as well?
