Is there a need for a T.A.? - page 5



Maybe I am.

And that gives you an excuse to be rude left and right?
There is some possibility that this will help him.


Svetlana, I am ready to state that 95% of traders, and among them many smart, talented and highly educated people, fail not at all because they are "unable to learn on their own".

That is not what I was asking.

WHAT? What is there to learn?

Again you say your "learn" and I ask what to learn, where is this clear system of knowledge and skills that can be learned?


Svetlana, I am ready to declare that 95% of traders, and among them many smart, talented and highly educated people, fail not at all because they are "unable to learn on their own".

A speculator's profit is a loss or shortfall in profits for other traders. Plus everyone is also feeding the industry. Therefore the majority of speculators must always be at a disadvantage so that the minority can be at a disadvantage.

The profits of the speculator are the losses or shortfalls of other traders. Plus everyone also feeds the industry. Therefore the majority of speculators must always be at a loss for the minority to be at a profit.

You may be forgetting that the real trades ( mostly;) are not speculators at all. And so it is for them that these losses/gains are part of the cost of production/revenue (their business conditions). And in the end they are the ones who bear the burden of differences.

As for pure speculators - there are statistics on retail. it coincides with the distribution of IQ. :)

And it is clear that whoever services the process is in the profits.



You may be forgetting that the real trades ( mostly;) are not speculators at all. And so it is for them that these losses/gains are part of the cost of production/revenue (their business conditions). And in the end they are the ones who bear the burden of differences.

As for pure speculators - there are statistics on retail. it coincides with the distribution of IQ. :)

And it is clear that whoever services the process is in the profits.


For such claims, you need statistical grounds, but not yours, and not the courses at the dc. Please do not hesitate to show it. Not even a smiley face.

For such claims, you need statistical grounds, but not yours, and not the courses at the DTs. Please provide it. Even without smilies.

Would the balance and volume of US foreign trade be enough as evidence of real transactions?

Or the question was addressed to IQ? I don't think there is any data like that.

And that gives you an excuse to be rude left and right?
I think he's much more polite in real life, otherwise he'd be walking around with his face smashed in every day. And on the internet, of course, you can be rude without fear.

TA is a useless thing for building a working TS

It should be noted:

1. a very useful thing to explain price dynamics after the fact.

2. a very useful thing for history testing.

There is only one way to prove TA usefulness - to provide a working TS based on TA. I did not see it anywhere.

Who has? People?!? Who?

But uselessness of TA does not mean that it is impossible to build a TS for profit on the market. You just need to change the principles.


This is the market efficiency hypothesis (i.e. the casino market, but with a commission (spread) in favour of the casino). You can never prove it mathematically (because you have to consider an infinite number of bars). Moreover, it is incorrect on the available history.

I don't see the connection. TA and market efficiency? Where is the link?