Why is it that when TC becomes obvious to most market participants it stops working? - page 3


Theoretically... everyone opened to buy, with a price of 100p. 100 pips. The price jumped by 150 pips and it's natural... because in such a buying rush it may jump to 300 points.

So it turns out that everyone's tp is going to work. ???? Did everybody win?

Someone clever will buy more in advance and when everyone else has bought, they will lock in a profit.

so many tests and it's all on that page :(

The seller is the buyer and the sell-side is the buyer...

I.e. if all or most of them will bid purely upwards - and buy up everything that was sold (i.e. the purchase will not happen at market price, but they will first buy up everything at this price and everything that is pending in the bids for sale at a higher price), then sales are unlikely to be enough for all, i.e. as soon as the bids at this price are over, the Asc will take off before the new pending sales (nothing is said about the bid, it won't even move).As soon as the bids at this price are over Ask will go up to new deferred sales (nothing about bid, he won't even budge), and ideally after such a massive purchase we'll just get the Kalasal spread. And until this demand stops - and new bids begin to appear - the Bid will not move. But in a usual market, the spread is characterized by approximately the same rate of filling from both sides, i.e. it turns out that those guys who managed to buy at the beginning of the rapid demand will be + + +, and those at the end of the demand will be minus.

(There are lots of grammatical mistakes in the lexicon, and the notion of bid and ask is also used relative to the trader, i.e. Bid is the price at which they can buy back his volume)

By the way, it is like that on the interbank, there is no spread there, there's just a market with bids where you choose what to buy.

That's why you shouldn't enter the market with order of some billions, because while executing a deal asc will run away and the main volume is opened in the most profitable places (higher, more expensive) and after the order is executed, spread will quickly taper off somewhere in the middle of its spread and the position will turn into a bad loss.

Spread is the ideal condition which should be equal to one minimum price fission. If it is 0, then the buy and sell orders satisfy themselves and they work immediately (of course, why should we look for other buyers and sellers, when they have already found each other)?

Exactly!!! I completely forgot about the spread... I got so used to DC's fixed quotes that I forgot about the floating spread.

Thanks for the explanations, all very understandable, it will be useful for those who have faced similar issues.


But according to the text, to make a profit you only need to be at the beginning of a strong demand, or a strong sale. So the profitable EA will be the one that will try to find out where people are going to bet, or force them to do this by generating news, etc. =) - like a grail.

As for the issue, let's assume we all - or well, most of us - trade by wagons and all by the same parameters. - We all, or most of us, trade with mashcans with the same parameters - one who has a smaller pinch and a faster car will be in the black. Because one and the same TS, some are profitable, others are not.


Another question then!!! If you have a super profitable Expert Advisor, there is an opinion on this forum that if it becomes public domain, it will stop working due to what we have already discussed. However, we should not forget that DC Forex is more of a "kitchen", and some are just "kitchen" in the literal sense. I think that no brokerage company can really move the quotes on the Forex market. The system does not depend on real forex and therefore it will remain working.


Theoretically... everyone opened to buy, with a t.p. 100 points. The price suddenly jumped to 150 points and it's natural... because if we have such a buying rush it will jump to 300 points.

So it turns out that everyone's tp is going to work. ???? Did everybody win?

The market has a finite liquidity and therefore everyone will not be able to get into a buy in - there will be no one to buy from.)))

Yes. I do, however, measure everything by normal venues. I somehow miss out on the "kitchens".

Naturally, the DC can kill any profitable strategy if it wants to (I guess I have little experience in forex, and have not encountered such a thing).

So I don't understand - are we talking about global issues or about goat faces of specific dealers? If it's global, then I've already said it: the market doesn't give a shit. Stop raving about grandeur - your TS do not solve anything there.
If about the kitchens ... well... you tell me. Although, again, I (for what, a year?) on the forex, only earned, and no one has killed me mean tricks. In general, I think that many here are looking for excuses for their failure - hence the conspiracy assumptions.



Stop raving about grandeur - your TCs don't decide anything there.

Who says it's these TS that decide, you're already delusional yourself. I am talking about the fact that it is already clear from the quotes who is sitting in profit. And when it reaches everyone, the inefficiency quickly fades. And it is already difficult to make money on it.
Generally, it seems to me that many people here are looking for excuses for their failure - hence these conspiracy assumptions.
What excuses? What do I have to justify myself in and to whom? Quite a specific, maybe even rhetorical question... I just wanted to know who thinks what, your opinion is clear to me too, thank you.
who says that these are the TS that decide, you are already delusional yourself. The point is that the quotes already show who is sitting in profit. And when it reaches everyone, the inefficiencies quickly fade away. And it is already difficult to make money out of it.
Take your medicine and read the title of the thread. I - specifically on the subject. Known TC, not known - no difference.
You need to lay off the mushrooms. Friendly Bitner. I mean, Vasya.