Do you agree if this site provide VPS service?

  • 54% (15)
  • 21% (6)
  • 25% (7)
Total voters: 28

No. Find explanation from Renat in here "Do you use VPS for hosting robots" ?.

VPS is a shared server - a server that is shared by many user. Find also in MQL4 forum that there are plenty cases where VPS shutdown a running MT.

Google also do I know the server is dedicated and not vps

Используете ли вы VPS для хостинга роботов?
Используете ли вы VPS для хостинга роботов?
Используете ли вы VPS для хостинга роботов?


excuse me :

i want to know:

VPS service?

what is it?




excuse me :

i want to know:

VPS service?

what is it?


VPS, 'Virtual Private Server'



thank you.


No. Find explanation from Renat in here "Do you use VPS for hosting robots" ?.

VPS is a shared server - a server that is shared by many user. Find also in MQL4 forum that there are plenty cases where VPS shutdown a running MT.

Google also do I know the server is dedicated and not vps


Thanks phi.nuts for the vote.. I know that there are plenty cases when we using VPS, but I hope this site could fix that problem...