Can it be? - page 26

the promised book, with the wrong notes...))

.......... y ................ the book . and ............. the author ............... in ............ ................... and never again ................................ so ....................... are fed up with life

fold this ........................ book, and ................... ....................... in depth

What an idiot you have to be to hope to fool people into thinking you are so stupid, what a bunch of insects you think you are ........... .............

Why not just go out into the street and headbutt passers-by in the street, leaving them letters of thanks mentioning all their relatives, including nephews

i'd rather have a niroba

the promised book, with the wrong notes...)

you don't have to read the book, it's a waste of time, here's the only little info you can get on his formulas and tactics

Can I download two copies of the book? to keep in stock ...I'm just worried there will be enough for everyone)

Gentlemen "traders", why don't you stop slinging mud at the man? It's time to calm down. You have not and will not get anything, and you should not draw conclusions based on [nothing]. Traders do not read coffee grounds.


Gentlemen "traders", why don't you stop slinging mud at the man? It's time to calm down. You have not received anything and will not receive anything, and you should not draw conclusions based on [nothing]. Traders do not read coffee grounds.

And why is this really enough? Why is it wrong to call a thief a thief, a fool a fool, a freeloader a freeloader? Why? What happened?

Even there.

Basic material,
secrets and methods

Mischek: And why is that enough? Why not call a thief a thief, a fool a fool, a freeloader a freeloader? Why? What happened?

Because only a court can call a person a thief, and a psychiatrist can call someone a fool, like me, and I don't think so. Everybody's a freeloader. He didn't steal anything from you. And the fact that he almost didn't talk about his strategy doesn't mean he's a fool, quite the contrary. If he were a fool, he'd tell you his strategy in great detail.


Even there.

Basic material,
secrets and methods

Well technically this is correct, as the rest is for money, but in the free version you can't not show at least some of the state, at least the left one, just out of respect for the person who showed interest

Because only a court can call a person a thief and a psychiatrist a fool, like me, and I don't think so. And everybody's a freeloader. He didn't steal anything from you. And the fact that he almost didn't talk about his strategy doesn't mean he's a fool, quite the contrary. If he was a fool, he'd have laid it out for you in great detail.

Sergei, I will not argue with you, it is useless, I sincerely pity you.

Because only a court can call a person a thief and a psychiatrist a fool, like me, and I don't think so. And everybody's a freeloader. He didn't steal anything from you. And the fact that he almost didn't talk about his strategy doesn't mean he's a fool, quite the contrary. If he were a fool, he'd tell you his strategy in great detail.
No symptoms of psychiatric illness. Just - a fool.