LET'S SAY THAT ... - page 40

Tantrik >>:

Если поставить на все номера то не проиграешь.

here you are 100 % right! i tested this theory today - i found currencies going against the other and 400 pips (in 5 digits!) in 2 trades (2 times 10 pips from each pair)
Tantrik писал(а) >>

Why can't I bet on zero?

If you bet on all (including 0), you get 36 roubles and you put 37. If it makes no difference to you, then...
I'm not a gambler, but the casino won't let themselves be offended.

vlad123 >>:

Ну Вы же взрослый человек, "фора" или рулетка не имеет значения при рандоме. Рулетку обыграть не возможно, делайте выводы...

I beg to differ.
there is a difference and it is visible in a multi-currency approach

Tantrik писал(а) >>

Not a player well for the sake of curiosity did you come in? After 1 hour of play you open an account(500r) for the day at the bar - money back in chips, lunch, dinner - free, smoking(live) - free, tea - free. Put it anywhere you want. Oh, and leave by ordering a taxi - free of charge.

I can basically buy all that... As long as I don't have to grovel... That's not what the topic is about...
Based on my theory that the quotes are not random - but simply move inertially, relative to the bear, until the next correction I now understand why the indicators lie :), and the trader's main weapon is patience and proper MM calculation :)
Tantrik писал(а) >>

What's the humiliation got to do with it? people have been sitting there all day long.... here are the players....

You know, like for lunch.
Tantrik >>:

Скажите а в чём разница одновалютный подход и мультивалютный?

unlike random wandering (SB) currencies cannot, CANNOT disperse indefinitely!
they are "forced" to go back to what the "cat" (sorry, Igor) measures them with)
I see the market as a closed system in a state of dynamic (moving) equilibrium, a kind of "tangle of ...moving snakes".

moskitman >>:

в отличие от случайного блуждания (СБ) валюты не могут, НЕ УМЕЮТ разбегаться бесконечно!
они "вынуждены" возвращаться к тому, чем их меряет "кошак" (простите, Игорь))
я воспринимаю рынок как некую ЗАМКНУТУЮ систему, находящуюся в состоянии динамического (движущегося) равновесия, эдакий "клубок ...щихся змей".

So why don't you develop it in the branch?

moskitman >>:

в отличие от случайного блуждания (СБ) валюты не могут, НЕ УМЕЮТ разбегаться бесконечно!
они "вынуждены" возвращаться к тому, чем их меряет "кошак" (простите, Игорь))
я воспринимаю рынок как некую ЗАМКНУТУЮ систему, находящуюся в состоянии динамического (движущегося) равновесия, эдакий "клубок ...щихся змей".

You are almost right, but take it even higher - I've been watching it for about a day - all currencies moved relatively to my measure :), today it's +/-20%, except yen and the currency, which got "carried away" and didn't want to go from +20 to -20, in an hour it will cross the -20 mark anyway and will go right again :)
SZS: Cats are the power!
Tantrik >>:

А вам не показалось, что мультивалютник = обыкновенный лок(на одной паре)

to some extent yes, but there are BUTs in the form of correlations and discrepancies