Redrawing - good or bad. - page 9

Mathemat писал(а) >>
S, I'm not saying redrawing is a bad thing. It's just that your conclusion is the same as mine.

SProgrammer wrote :>>
Do you people even read what others write? I explained in the beginning from a mathematical point of view why this is a good thing. You are just like other chatterboxes like Leo MT Avatar Lea etc just talking in slogans as usual.
** So you're just a believer - as they don't need proof.

SProgrammer wrote >>

It's not the problem of differing opinions that's the problem of sceptical chatterboxes. And the problem is a big one.
** People know nothing, know nothing, but they shut everyone's mouths and fool newbies. Why/why they do it, have you ever wondered?

Probably because chatterboxes like Matemat, Leo, MT, Avatars, Lea, and me (probably) are the hired help?




No. :)
Because, for example, they want to lecture DC training centres. Or because they think they've found a system and if everyone knows it, it won't work anymore. The reasons are a million.
I'm not paranoid. :) Don't flatter yourself. :))

Mischek писал(а) >>

If you don't mind, what do you mean by redrawing indicators ?
Just so it's clear, don't try to guess.
with a simple example.

I'm tired of repeating the same thing. :)

You realise you've just given me examples.

I still don't get the flight. Therefore I will tell you about the scales.

0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  11  12  13  14 i15 i16 i17 i18
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [!!] . . . . . . 
\--------------------------------/                                                ( 1 )
                            \----------------------------/                        ( 1')
                                               \--------------------------/       ( 2 )   
                                         I-------- граница переррисовки

Sum of all the elements / per number = Scale value.

We have two problems:

The first is to which position in the index the mask value is referenced.
And the second is how to calculate a mask in variant (2).

For the first one there is a simple answer. Since we have a pair of values X and Y, X is the price Y is the time. The average value
for X is given above, for Y we should count the same way. That is, since we have a two-dimensional space, a point has
two coordinates - ... The first problem has been solved.

The second has several solutions, and some solutions have their own sub-solutions.

1) we extrapolate
2) we use the values we have. That is 12 13 14.

In the first variant, you can extrapolate a machine - for example by linear extrapolation, or you can extrapolate the price.
There are many variants.

** Hence the obvious conclusion is that all values after the boundary will be redrawn.
I don't get it.
It has nothing to do with the machine.
The indicator shows a certain value.
for example - buy in, or close sell, or sit to smoke
if for example at 12-30 it showed buy in, and at 13-44 it RETURNED (redrawn) its evidence for buy in at 12-30 on the corresponding 12-30 bar then
to hell, and if just in 13-44 it showed enter to sell, keeping on the graph its readings to buy, in 12-30. then it is not re-drawing and normal work
if the result is a loss, then it is a question of the analytical part of the quality of the indicator and re-rating has nothing to do with it
Mischek писал(а) >>
I don't get it.
What's that got to do with it?
the indicator shows a certain value
for example - buy in, or close sell, or sit to smoke
if for example at 12-30 it showed buy in, and at 13-44 it RETURNED (redrawn) its buy in at 12-30 on the corresponding 12-30 bar then
to hell, and if just in 13-44 it showed enter to sell, keeping on the graph its readings to buy, in 12-30. then it is not re-drawing and normal work
if the result is a loss, then it is a question of the analytical part of the quality of the indicator and re-rating has nothing to do with it

As for me, I've spent a lot of time and effort to become a professional. So have you.
Ask M. He will certainly understand and explain. And if he doesn't, he'll do it on purpose.
Are you trying to piss me off? I don't understand why I have to spell out platitudes. Take a tester and run it through the TCs and you'll get the idea.
You start a thread, you ask questions, you tell people off, you dodge questions.
You don't need a forum.
Start your own thread in Wordpress.
and then you're on fire.
Mischek писал(а) >>
You start a thread, you ask questions, you tell people off, you walk away from questions.
You don't need a forum.
Start your own thread in wordpress.
and get your ass kicked.

I've already, you know, explained everything - if you haven't read it, do I have to tell you again? Read it first.
Mischek >>:
Сам открываешь ветку, сам спрашиваешь, сам всех посылаешь, сам уходишь от вопросов
На фиг тебе форум
Заведи себе ветку в ворде
И жги по полной

In the annals. Definitely.

joo писал(а) >>

In the anus. >> unequivocally.

Listen dear - I have a question - do you know how to trade profitably? You wrote here earlier that you do not trade, so why should I treat you special and not from a high position? Learn while I am kind. That's all - you will learn, you will earn as I do and you will talk. And you'll be entitled to it.
Yes, I'm arrogant, I'm rude, I'm blunt in my judgement. But I can do it - because I'm mostly dependent on myself. I have the right. :)
Become a professional - so I can learn from you - what I'll sing your praises about. Until then, alas. :))

SProgrammer >>:

Слйшайте уважаемый - вот у меня вопрос - Вы умеете торговать в прибыль? Вы тут писали ранее, что вы не торгуете, так почему я должен вас как-то особенно и не с высока обхаживать? Учитесь, пока я добрый. Вот и все - научитесь - будите зарабатывать будите так же как я разговоривать. И будите иметь на это право.
Да я самоуверенный, да хамоватый, да я прямой в суждениях. Но я это могу делать - так как по большому счету я завишу только отт себя самого. Имею право. :)
Станьте профессионалом - чтобы я мог у вас учситься - о какие я буду петь вам диферамбы. А пока что нет - увы. :))

You shouldn't be boiling over. It's just that I really liked Mishek's post.
And I'm not going to fight with you.