Avalanche - page 378


And what do we see here? What does this phrase have to do with Lovina?

Do you have a good understanding of the meanings of phrases built on the dialogue "They say..." and "There's a lot of things they say..."?

Sveta! If I understand you correctly now, "catchphrase" is not bullshit at all. And it's not worth wasting your time looking for non-existent evidence of its doom for almost 400 pages? there's none.

Do you just have to think?



Alexei! I hope you know the option pricing models...


Well the Black-Scholes formula is vaguely remembered. The basic premise there is wrong - lognormal distribution of price returns. But it seems that we are a long way fromLovina...

Let me paraphrase Pushkin:

Some are gone, and those are not cured...


Oh, God. Why are you so merciful?!

Well the Black-Scholes formula is vaguely remembered. The basic premise there is wrong - lognormal distribution of price returns. But I think we're a long way fromLovina...

Bernouli is back.

...and you can't just present a hypothesis as proven...


Sveta! If I understand you correctly now, the "catch" is not nonsense at all. And it is not worth wasting your time looking for nonexistent proof of its doom for almost 400 pages?

Do you just need to think?


I can't see what you've figured out or how you've figured it out.

About the "non-existent evidence" and so on -- it's up to each individual to decide.

I've done all I can. I can't help you from here.


I can't see what you have understood there or how you have understood it.

About the "non-existent evidence!" and other things -- it's up to each individual to decide for himself.

I've done all I can. I can't help you from here.

Thank you for your participation. And I've made my point.

You didn't bother. And you often revel in personalities...

That's a shame.

Thank you for your participation!
P.S. You still haven't answered one of the key questions - have you read the thread or not? All of it?

The topic seems to be coming back to life. Summer heat :) Yeah, it's hot and the forum is overrun with newbies and schoolboys. Boring...

FreeLance, let's come at it from the other side: do you have proof that you can regularly make profits onLovin? On pure, unclouded by technical analysis?


The topic seems to be coming back to life. Summer heat :) Yeah, well, the heat's on and the forum's overrun with high school newbies. Boring...

FreeLance, let's go at it from the other side: do you have proof that you can make regular profits onLovin?

Examples will do?


P.S. You still haven't answered one of the key questions - have you read the thread or not? All of it?

Learning from you...

Like I don't have to respond to "blonde in a library".
