Avalanche - page 219

In the process of meditating on Galina and Dmitry's demolition, all sorts of interesting thoughts on "booking" this idea came to mind. Most likely, the idea is a failure, and Alpari is not suitable due to periodic delays and hiccups in the news on real accounts. But it may be worth a try. I will try to bake something a la avalanche at the same time. I've read about all traders who abuse martins but for me it is the most profitable way of trading. Forte is often mistaken with his experience and knowledge of wave analysis. I think i can choose 4-6 pairs with long trend and you can make profit by setting only sell or only buy if you have a good MM. The same goes for an avalanche, choosing a good pair like EURJPY and using smart approach may bring results... You have to work and swearing is the last thing...
OlegTs >>:
в процессе медитации демолавины Галины и Дмитрия пришло много всяких интересных мыслей по "бронированию" этой идеи. Скорее всего идея провальная, и альпари ну ни как не годиться из за периодических задержек и подвисаний на новостях на реальных счетах. Но попытка - не пытка. Все-таки попробую параллельно сварганить что-нибудь a la лавина. Тут все мартинов ругают, а для меня это наиболее прибыльный вариант торговли, т.к. угадать движение цены внутри дня практически невозможно. Вон форте как ошибается часто при его опыте и знаниях волнового анализа. А по мне, так можно выбрать 4 -6 перспективных пар с длительным трендом, и установками только селл или только бай при нормальном ММ заработать можно. Тоже самое насчет лавины, выбор хорошей пары типа EURJPY и грамотный подход возможно принесет результат... Работать надо, а ругать - это последнее дело...

The results are already coming in. And the EURJPY is one of the best

khorosh писал(а) >>
Been away for half a month. I ran my avalanche Expert Advisor to see how it was doing with the new quotes that appeared during my absence.
The deposit continues to grow. From 01.01.10 till now it is already grown more than 10 times.

I would start selling, but there are only pictures!
I do not understand the meaning of posts.... for a year of business trips you'll have to account for later, the accounting department
on the 2nd floor :( :( :(

baltik >>:

Продажу начинали бы, а так только картинки!
Не понятен смысл постов.... за год командировок потом отчитаетесь, бухгалтерия
на 2 этаже :( :( :(

Galina 26.04.2010 23:09
Dear friends !
Sorry, I can not get a hang of it... :)
But Dmitry and I promised to finish the job, so to speak, finally uncover the truth about the proverbial catch ...
So I created a demo with Al...ri, leverage 500 and depo 35 000 rubles.
Just in case I took it with reserve. I tested it with current settings and it easily holds 29 000 roubles.
I would like to share my login and password which I am not going to change, the same way the EA settings will not be changed, of course, no manual trading.
Testing will be performed honestly.
Testing reports are also available.
I would like to say that no optimisation has been done and all parameters in the settings are taken, so to speak, "by eye".
  • Login: 2327415
  • Investor password: xna5xth(view only)

    P.s. please count only trades from today, i.e. do not take history into account please, there were tricky moments....
Attached files:
zauzdtrzf0.08xcaf0.04.rar (288.79 KB)
E_mc2 >>:

ММ какой на вашей Лавине.

No MM on our avalanche at the moment. We start the series with the smallest lot and go ahead.

baltik >>:

Продажу начинали бы, а так только картинки!
Не понятен смысл постов.... за год командировок потом отчитаетесь, бухгалтерия
на 2 этаже :( :( :(

That's human psychology :) You've already been given the same thing for free. But if you absolutely have to buy it, I can give you the bill, throw in three hundred quid. We posted even prettier pictures here twenty pages ago.

baltik >>:

Продажу начинали бы, а так только картинки!
Не понятен смысл постов.... за год командировок потом отчитаетесь, бухгалтерия
на 2 этаже :( :( :(

If one had read the thread in full, the point would have been clear, as I have already answered a similar question. https://www. mql5.com/ru/forum/124482/page124

post dated 13.04.2010 20:16

OlegTs >>:
в процессе медитации демолавины Галины и Дмитрия пришло много всяких интересных мыслей

Ooh... Interesting way of knowing the unknowable. :)

Дорогие Друзья !
Мы с Дмитрием продолжаем тестирование "Ловины".
Предлогаем вашему вниманию еще одну версию советника.
Принципиальное отличие в закрытии позиций, в отличае от предыдущей версии выход осуществляется по виртуальному тейк профиту.
Просадки в обоих вариатах одинаковые, прибыльности разные, ну это мы проверим :) Начальное депо тоже, 1 000 баков на тесторе спокойно выдерживает.
Я так же взяла с небольшим запасом. Понаблюдаем вместе, и все станет ясно, рабочая стратегия или нет.

Login: 2337185

Investor password: tysa0bs(view only)

DC is the same A...ry. By the way let me disagree about the work of this DC. My company has a real account in almost all more or less known brokerage companies. I have been using A! For 5 years now and it is one of the most reliable in my opinion. I've never had any problems with trading, all the bots have been working and trade consistently without fail, the terminal never hangs on the news, everything works out fine. Thanks a lot for that to my traders !!!!
rumata1984 >>:

На нашей лавине сейчас никакого ММ. Начинаем серии с минимального лота и вперед.

What an original explanation of MM. I've never heard such a definition of MM. It turns out that MM is the minimum lot. If I'm not mistaken it's up to 50 000 000 without splitting it in micro, mini, standard. I also have a deposit of 20K to open the minimum lot, that is 1 dollar?
Do not give me answers like Cathal... I asked what is the MM. This means that I asked at what % of the deposit opened the initial lot, how much is the volume goes to 1 2 3 4, or maybe 1, 4, 8, 16, or maybe something else? On what parameters is the profit fixed? If you do not have anything useful to say on the matter, you should have kept silent.