SELLING THE HOLY GRAIL. STRART PRICE OF 1 MILLION. DOL. FROM AUCTION. I retain copyright on the trading system and modified versions, as well as 50% of the profits from its use! No right to distribute!

All interested please state your demands for what you would be willing to accept such (negotiable) terms - what you think you can call GRAAL!

I agree to pay you $1 million only after I earn $2 million from your $100 advisor. Would that be all right with you?
peco писал(а) >> 50% profit percentage from using it!

Open a pamm account, trade for a couple or three months and 50% of the profit will happily be given by anyone with the appropriate equity )))) + no need to worry about "non-proliferation"....)))


Spammer traders, give me some dichlorvos)

In general, it's funny of course, a couple of days ago how to convert a value of double type: 0.0001 to an integer int: 1 point? And today is already a grail) No otherwise tester drawer from the dump or the forest...

Richie >>:
Согласен выплатить вам 1 млн.$ только после того, как заработаю 2 млн.$ с 100$. Вас устроит?

Then why do I need YOU? This thread was created with 2 purposes: one of them is to reveal the real requirements for the GRAAL!
LeoV >>:

Откройте памм-счёт, поторгуйте пару-тройку месяцев и 50% прибыли с радостью отдаст любой при соответствующем эквити )))) + не нужно будет переживать о "нераспространении"....)))

even for a championship, which lasts 3 months, participants try to adjust their EAs to the current conditions. otherwise, they will, unsurprisingly, all lose sooner or later! and the duration of a trend can be longer, while, as we know from the classics, 85% of the market is not a trend (a flat). Do you consider 3 MONTHS a sufficient result for a successful trading system?
peco писал(а) >> do you consider 3 MONTHS to be an adequate result for a successful trading system?

Read carefully -

LeoV wrote >> with proper equity.
>> maybe 3 months is enough to invest a certain amount.
peco >>:

ПРОДАМ СВЯТОЙ ГРААЛЬ. СТРАРТОВАЯ ЦЕНА 1 МЛН. ДОЛ. С АУКЦИОНА. За собой сохраняю авторское право на торговую систему и модифицированные версии, а также 50% процентов прибыли от ее использования! Без права распроспростанения!

Всем заинтересованным прошу предъявить ваши требования к тому, за что вы бы соглассны были пойти на подобные (подлежат обсуждению) условия - то, что, как вам кажется, можете назвать ГРААЛЕМ!

The Holy Grail - like he is to be prayed for? I wonder how the author will control that, for example, I give him 50% of the profits? For such money you'd better tell the strategy, and normal programmers will code for themselves, if it is worth it. Because it is stupid to entrust your money to someone else's code. Well, it looks like a scam. What guarantee the author gives that there will not be a plum? Does the author agree to split 50% of the profit and loss? For one thousand quid he sets such high demands! And if the system is profitable, why sell it? Put it on the real and sail your yacht in peace.
peco писал(а) >>


How do you prove it's holy?


If it's an auction, all other conditions being equal, my bid is $10, one...

who's higher?

Show a 3 to 4 months' worth of stats. And if it's above 500% profit, you can think about it)