[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 459

Of course they're incomparable. Take away the friction, Alexei, it's not important. And you get a stool with two legs. A beer mug will crack :(

Monday isn't even over yet and you're already firing away!

Yes, Alexey (Mathemat) has solved it.

No, it's not a solution. I suggested a simple method of determining A (by extracting the full square - i.e. how a quadratic equation is solved), but you still have to extract the square root there. How would a fifth grader know about it...

P.S. I'll divert my attention to the pundits.

It's a grammar school. The children there are unusual.
It's a grammar school. The children there are unusual.
It's more like a lyceum. I recently heard on the RBC channel about the difference between a gymnasium and a lyceum. A gymnasium is a humanities bias, and a lyceum is a science bias.
It's a grammar school. The children there are unusual.
Are the boys and girls swapped?


1. Falsification #1: Ignoring, suppressing, up to and including deliberate concealment, the scientific fact that space has a volume.

2. Falsification #2: Ignoring, glossing over, up to and including deliberate concealment, the scientific fact that space is real.

3. Falsification #3: Ignoring, glossing over, up to and including deliberate concealment, the concept of planetary (stable, unstable) equilibrium.

4. Falsification №4: Ignoring, concealment, up to deliberate concealment of the fact of impossibility of planetary stable equilibrium on the forces of gravitation.

5. Falsification №5: The stability of the orbit is a falsified concept, not testifying to the real stable equilibrium of the body in the orbit. However, orbital stability is passed off as a scientifically valid product.

6. Falsification #6: The minus in the law of universal gravitation is a falsified sign. However, in scientific literature and textbooks the minus in the law of universal gravitation is passed off as a scientifically valid product.

7. Falsification №7: The treatment of universal gravitation as direct attraction is pseudoscientific and is not physically possible, but the gravitation in the scientific literature and textbooks is presented as direct attraction.

8. Falsification #8: A negative scalar (negative physical scalar quantity) is physically impossible. However, in scientific literature and textbooks a negative scalar is passed off as a scientifically valid product.

9. Falsification #9: Multiplication by a negative scalar (a negative scalar quantity, and by other sense analogues) is a physically impossible operation. However, in scientific literature and textbooks, multiplication by a negative scalar is passed off as a scientifically valid product.

10. Falsification #10: Incorrect definition of force. In physical definitions of force there is no indication of the positive nature (positive scalarity) of force.



I'm particularly pleased with pearls like "space has volume because volume can be placed in it")))

I can imagine the laughter of those to whom this "lawsuit" was addressed)))
alsu: I can imagine the laughter of those to whom this "lawsuit" was addressed)))
The first hearing at the Supreme Court of the Republic of Khakassia was scheduled for January 26, Abakan, 20, Yarygin Street. At 14-00 o'clock. Reference.