procenkoo >>:
Используйте бесплатные торговые сигналы с блога http://market-strategist.blogspot.com и сливать не будите !

Good thing it's free, or you'd be like Nirobka.
ULAD >>:

Хорошо что бесплатные, а то было бы тебе то что Ниробке.

What the hell is this Nirbka?

procenkoo >>:
и сливать не будите !

Who won't, sorry? We won't - let him sleep in peace.

Happy Old New Year to all ;) .

paukas >>:

А это шо за хрень такая- Нирбка?


There was a weirdo here with paid signals. He's waiting for oil at 10 quid a barrel.

Well, happy New Year to everybody, so that everyone has a fur ;) .

You can choose the size of the fur yourself.


All forex fees are useless. Only a total loss is useful, and not to everyone.

I join in congratulations.


Richie писал(а) >>

I personally know several professors and associate professors (doctors and candidates of mathematics, physics and technology) who live solely on their salaries and grants. And such minds. Why?

Yes because (as it has already been told by someone) - the stock exchange by a handful of mathematical formulas cannot be overcome, is it not clear?

No, you can beat them. The head of the Renaissance fund has been beaten, and very much so.

The problem is simply that "such minds" prefer the stability of working for a paycheck to accepting increased risk - even at the cost of a significant reduction in income. They are afraid of risk.

Alexei, do you have exact information on how and at what cost they make money? :)
Mathemat писал(а) >>

No, you can beat them. The head of the Renaissance fund has been beaten, and very much so.

The problem is simply that "such minds" prefer the stability of working for a paycheck to accepting increased risk - even at the cost of a significant reduction in income. They are afraid of risk.

And with what to overpower them? With what mathematical tools? Fourier? Lagrangian? Bernoulli? Vasya Pupkin's polynomial? With what?

I tried to do it with Fourier. Not in MQL, I wrote a program in another language. No way. It does not predict with the required precision.

I will say nothing about Lagrangian. Using the probability theory did not work.

It looks like the price function itself has all this "mathematical bullshit" built in.

And the most interesting thing is that none of these docents and professors even try to trade on the exchange.


Soon we will fly to Mars, soon there will be settlements there, but no one can match this price, the minds in Roscosmos are sitting, why the hell they cannot calculate the trajectory of the euro/bucks?
