FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 318

who don't drink are all dumb. Plato.
)))))) hilarious...
Dogg, what you got there? Pour it on!
♪ let's sit here, it's all poured ♪)

Snoop Dogg:
It's not the euro that's flying. It's the dollar that's falling.

There's the euro and the AUD are flying up - the cadre is standing still - we have to move the yuzd-cad soon for company and it will fly away too

Anatoly, you're pissing everyone off, you can't do that !

I only have to respond to the invective and drug propaganda. Alcohol is also a drug.

Who does not drink, everyone is stupid. Plato.

It's more the other way around. Universe. ))


there's the euras and the audi are up - the cadre is standing still - we need to get the yuzd-cad in soon to keep it company

they're so invaded!!! and the news was only the Employment cost index
Anatoli Kazharski:

I only have to respond to invectives and drug propaganda.

Don't fall out yourself and you won't be - didn't you learn that as a child? don't dig a hole for someone else, you'll fall in it yourself
gold - gold should be bought ))
Snoop Dogg:
They're so intruding!!! And the news was just the Employment cost index

and gold and silver ...

Who's to say that the market is not manipulated?

You don't fall out and you won't be. Didn't you learn that when you were a kid? don't dig a hole for someone else, you'll fall in.

I don't fall out that way. I'm just responding to the outbursts. ;)

)))))) hilarious...
I'm the only one struggling with it... Plato doesn't count.