It's impossible to make money on Forox!!! - page 42


The world (including forex) is as we see it; it is a reflection of the way we look at it.

It's funny - stand on the track of a train and imagine that a train from a children's railway is coming at you. Immediately you will understand the difference between objective reality and your fantasies about it ....

Objective reality (and the world, and FOREX as well) are objective in that they do not depend on our perception. But whether we will be able to profit or not depends on how close our perception is to objective reality ......


(the breathless body of a trader shot in despair rises, shakes himself off and takes the bullet out of his temple, hiccups and says:)

Trading requires a state of detachment and serenity. If you yell at the whole forum and write two exclamation points each, then YES, in that state it's impossible to make money in trading.

Golden words. But how to make a sanctuary out of yourself? How about organizing a forex monastery? Or what, organize a kind of positive sect, excuse me, register a public organization, and somewhere in the Altai by the river and hills, with a scythe and a plough, behind a high fence? The way to reach a peaceful state of mind is thorny and requires a situation. А?

It's funny - just stand in the path of a train and imagine that a children's railway train is coming at you. You will immediately see the difference between objective reality and your fantasies about it ....

Objective reality (and the world, and FOREX as well) are objective in that they do not depend on our perception. But whether we will be able to profit or not depends on how close our perception is to objective reality ......

Our main mistake is that we pass one thing off as another. And you, Vladislav, are now at the mercy of this error/conception.
Words of gold. But how do you make a sanctuary out of yourself? How about organizing a forex monastery? Or what, organize a kind of positive sect, excuse me, register a public organization, and somewhere in the Altai by the river and hills, with a scythe and a plough, behind a high fence? The way to reach a peaceful state of mind is thorny and requires a situation. А?
It is better to read smart books. And practice on demo accounts. Your C.O.
Better read smart books. And practice on demo accounts. Your C.O.
Of course it is. That's true. But what about a state of detachment and serenity?

Our main mistake is that we pass one thing off as another. And you, Vladislav, are now at the mercy of this error/conceit.

Can you be more specific? The error, as far as I understand it, is to pass off perception as objective reality. Show me where it follows that I, and not you, are at the mercy of this error? From my point of view, your phrase "The world is (forex, including) as we see it, it's a reflection of how we see it. It is a reflection of our view of it" is precisely the manifestation of this error. My phrase is just saying that the objective reality does not depend on our perception and that's why this reality is objective, that corresponds to the absence of substitution. If you don't mind, show me the error in logic.

HH Maybe I misunderstood the original post about error and by it you meant something else than "passing off perception as objective reality" ?

Can you be more specific? The error, as far as I understand it, is to pass off perception as objective reality. Show me where it follows that I, and not you, are at the mercy of this error? From my point of view, your phrase "The world is (forex, including) as we see it, it's a reflection of how we see it. It is a reflection of our view of it" is precisely the manifestation of this error. My phrase is just saying that the objective reality does not depend on our perception and that's why this reality is objective, that corresponds to the absence of substitution. If it is not difficult, show the error in logic.

Vladislav, could we find some other appropriate place for a conversation? Alternatively, it could be in private.


Try pips.

Only what the brokers ask for will work!


Vladislav, could we find some other appropriate place to talk? Private is an option.
It's not a problem.

Then I'll be in private...