EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 5


A prediction came true with the right price level of the bounce...

A picture of what happened...



you can put the numbers at the end of the red line and a little bigger picture


yesterday's markup


That's for today.

poruchik писал(а) >>

That's for today.

Lots of news today, it's going to be rough on the euro, pound and dol, no telling where we'll end up.

I agree, I'm in the shopping
poruchik писал(а) >>


you can put the numbers at the end of the red line and make the picture a little bigger

click on the picture and then zoom in and see all the numbers...the red line was based on previous drops readings...

About pushing - I know

Trend on 15.09.

Most likely still has to move the dollar down, below today's current low and then up

forte928 писал(а) >>

Trend on 15.09.

Probably still have to move the dollar down, below today's current low and then up

Also agree, just have to wait for the entry point during the European session