EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 492

Now we'll see 1.4700 again and we can sell. Ready number 1!!!! :)
Alexan-Galina-Zema would do well to rename the whole thing Gorloom (he was also arguing with himself).
You're the scum of the earth, you bastard. Run the IP numbers, smart-ass.
Zema писал(а) >>

Ayyyyyy, that's not good. The voice is good and the words are bad.

Don't take it personally. If I didn't make myself clear, I'm sorry.

You don't want to ruin this thread.

If you want to talk nonsense, just go to you-know-where.

Nibora's got all kinds of bullshit.

That's where you go!

You're a pain in the ass!

Urain писал(а) >>
Alexan-Galina-Zema all this ilk would do well to rename him Gorloom (he was also fighting with himself).

Who are you???

You must be Nibora!!!


Zema писал(а) >>

He's been here a hundred years and he's stunted, and when he sees strangers, he lashes out at them (like don't read this thread and stay out of it, I'm rabid).

What the fuck strangers!!! ????

You've got some nerve!


Look at this thread. !!!!.



How does the content of your posts relate to the title of this thread about predictions????????????????????

think with your heads and hopefully draw the right conclusions....


don't play in public here - if you want to take it out on each other, do it in private....

Can we get back to the topic at hand?
Galina >> :
I am expecting the EUR to still be lower.

I don't think so. The euro will still dance around the strong support of the ind. Murray - LEVEL 08

On n4 EURUSD these levels are rebounding nicely.

Can you people explain the following phenomenon: long enough time EUR and Gold were going in the same direction, and today, for some reason, they scattered in different directions. Interesting how it turned out.