Sart, what do you think of Doe?


Of course, I am not just inviting Sart to the discussion. Here are Doe's weeks. Where do you think the Dow is now?

Here's my layman's analysis. Consider that the last major wave of global growth ended with an absolute high in October 2007 (14197.7), and then a global correction took place - very likely in the form of a deep zigzag, as it did in 1929. I am interested in the first wave of this ZZ, i.e. A. I have the impression that this A has not yet been completed, hee hee.

I'm more interested in how fair is the Dow even and does it reflect the true state of affairs? Maybe it's long overdue for 2000. The show goes on...
FION >> :
I'm more interested in how fair the Dow is at all and whether it reflects the true state of affairs? Maybe it's long overdue for a 2000. The show goes on...

Well, yes, there are teams that actively oppose it. And the Dow - well, how can it be unfair when it is the main indicator of the US economy. Of course there is the Plunge Protection Team, but its efforts too seem to be a trifle compared to the overall movement.



NikT_58, the beginning of which correction? The B wave inside the large A global ZZ? Be more specific, please.



NikT_58, "start of correction" and "can enter" is, sorry, not even an attempt at wave markup. Where are your numbers and letters?
Mathemat >> :

Well yes, there are commands,

I'm sorry, but it doesn't seem to smell like spring in the air, it smells like another "in" (war).

I think that the psychological mark of 7000 should give a bounce, at least for a while. If things continue as they are now, after a bounce it will go to 6000, or maybe even lower.
6600 soon.