Libraries: SMTP Mail Library


SMTP Mail Library:

Library for sending mail messages.

Author: Andrey Voytenko

is it compatible with mq4?
is it compatible with mq4?
Yes. All DLL functions are compatible with MQL4.

Видимо проект устарел, так как пытался сегодня протестировать (MT5 build 2085), но все вылетает с ошибками (OpenSLL установлен).

Принт-скрин ошибки:

Sergey Lebedev:

Apparently the project is outdated, as I tried to test it today (MT5 build 2085), but everything crashes with errors (OpenSLL is installed).

Print screen error:

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To run this project:

  • put ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll next to terminal64.exe

That its all.
