Help me learn how to trade! - page 11


It's maddening. The man asked: how to trade? and where have you all gone. I'm a beginner myself I thought I could read something useful here. As always, a mistake. I thought it would be useful to read here. It's always a mistake. Why should a forum on a certain topic turn into a polemic on some other one? All the threads are alike in this sense. And it becomes interesting: maybe it is done on purpose? I personally do not find any other explanation.

With respect and a sincere desire to improve things, Azer.

SwettenJerome K.Jerome once wrote a wonderful work"On the harm of other people's advice". Start with this seminal work ... ... you'll thank him later.

PS: just in case - a joke, although in every joke ... :о)))

azik1111 >> :

It's maddening. The man asked: how to trade? and where have you all gone. I'm a beginner myself I thought I could read something useful here. As always, a mistake. You know, they made personal correspondence. Why should a forum on a certain topic turn into a polemic on some other one? All the threads are alike in this sense. And it becomes interesting: maybe it is done on purpose? I personally do not find any other explanation.

With respect and sincere desire to improve something, Azer.

The best way to learn how to trade is to play the other side...

sllawa3 писал(а) >>

The best way to learn how to trade is to play the other side ... (open a foreign D.C.)

I wondered about it. It turns out that the minimum required to open a DC is 25 000 $ . and then if you do not bring together traders, it turns out that you have to close. >> Or maybe I got it wrong ?

azik1111 >> :

I am interested in this question. It turns out that the minimum required to open a brokerage company is $25,000 . and then if you do not gather traders, it turns out that you have to close. Or maybe I got it wrong ?

Where did this figure come from all of a sudden? As far as I understand, all you need is a server with good internet... and a website with good service... then advertising (the engine of commerce)

and the delivery of quotes is a technical matter ...

sllawa3 писал(а) >>

where did that figure come from all of a sudden? As far as I'm concerned all you need is a server with good internet... and a website with good service... then advertising (the engine of commerce)

and the delivery of the quotes is a technical matter...

I asked in private correspondence. They gave me a link. for example.

azik1111 >> :

I asked. in private correspondence. and they gave me a link . h ttp://

Of course... on their website anyone providing these services will give out such links... including you (if you have your own DC)

azik1111 >>: It's crazy. The man asked: how to trade? and where have you all gone.

So I answered. Swetten seems almost desperate. And I tried to be supportive. It's not all bad for the female part of this forum. Girls are like that. They usually dig not deep, but for sure (the variance is different, it doesn't allow for much deviation). And they succeed more often than boys with their globalist intentions. That's it, I'm done.

sllawa3 писал(а) >>

Of course... on their website, anyone providing these services will give out such links... you will do it too (if you have your own DC)

I got the link from SK and it is not his site :).

meta-developers of metaprograms for metatrader on forrum metacvotes give out meta-advice
it should be understood - by metatrader based on meta-experience of metadeposit