[WARNING CLOSED!] Any newbie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't go by. Can't go anywhere without you. - page 94

Integer >> :

The fact that the EA has one magician and you do not have to think when starting several EAs which one should be set to which magician. Usability.

I see. However, I remember, I once raised this topic in Kim's thread.

But I was "strictly warned" against such an approach!

Here, - the last two posts on this page - 'Useful functions from KimIV'

Integer >> :

You can open anything in anything.

First the programme path, followed by a space and the name of the file to be opened.

Thank you, it's a real topic. Do you happen to know if there is a file C:{\WINDOWS\\\system32\\\config\\systemprofile\\\SendTo\/Address.MAPIMail or C:{\Documents and Settings\\\Default User\\SendTo\/Address.MAPIMail which in the explorer context menu performs the function to send the required file by mail, is it possible using the same algorithm when executing the script to open the default mail program, and the file to be sent was in the attachment (analogous to what if I took the file to be sent and executed through the explorer Send/Address- the default mail program would open, the file itself is attached, and it only remains to enter the address and send it)

rid писал(а) >>

I see. I, however, remember once bringing it up in I. Kim's thread.

But I was 'sternly warned' against such an approach!

Here - the last two posts on this page - 'Useful functions from KimIV'.

I read it. You're there about "[sl]", so really don't. It's a different topic here.

Dimoncheg писал(а) >>

Thank you, it's a real topic. Do you happen to know if there is a file C:{\WINDOWS\\\system32\\\config\\systemprofile\\\SendTo\/Address.MAPIMail or C:\Documents and Settings\\\Default User\\SendTo\/Address.MAPIMail which in Explorer context menu performs a function to send by mail a required file, is it possible with the same roughly algorithm in the script execution to open the default mail program, and the file to be sent was in the attachment (analogous action if I took the file to send and executed through the explorer Send/address- would open the default mail program, the file itself is attached, and remains only to enter the address and send it)

I don't know, I haven't tried it. With Bat mailer you can easily send mail through the command side.

Integer >> :

I don't know, I haven't tried it. With Bat mailer you can easily send mail through the command side.

>> With the Mouse is more or less understandable, I just plan to make a more universal function to not matter which client exactly was as on computers which I use different clients stand, therefore here I see only one way out it is to start the client which by default through this file or in what can other way. Can you tell me where all these WinExec CopyFileA and DeleteFileA come from, where to get them all and where to read about them?


After reading a few articles, some ideas came up. I wrote my indicator and wanted to offer it for consideration and get people's opinion. but I don't know how to put it on this site...

does anyone have a script that allows you to read the news in an open window...

How do I change the font size in the meta-editor's help?

Ctrl+mouse wheel doesn't help?
sayfuji >> :
Ctrl+mouse wheel doesn't help?
