Is it a way to open URL by code from expert?


I want release some trade info, like:

After a order placed, I will call a http://...../boardcast.php,

 Is it a way to open URL by code from expert?


Yes , it is possible with WinInet dll.


I've been using the attached include for a long time in MT4 to access the Forex Factory xml calendar, and also to scrape a signals service.  On my (rather long) list of things to do is to convert it to MQL5.

 The only problem I've had with it is that it refuses to refresh the FF xml calendar when it changes, no matter what flags I try.



codeidea posted  :

 Is it a way to open URL by code from expert?

Here is another one (script):

#import "shell32.dll"
int ShellExecuteW(int hwnd,string Operation,string File,string Parameters,string Directory,int ShowCmd);

void OnStart()

By the way, the example in MQL5 is available now.

See script WININET_TEST, that downloads file using wininet.dll.

wininet isn't working after the las MT5 update. Any solution found?
wininet isn't working after the las MT5 update. Any solution found?
Please wait for the next build. There are problems with the dll calls