Trading sessions or how important time is - page 8

Yes, I understood that there was no need to add anything. You are the one who misunderstood me. I am saying that if now my clock is 16-54, then in the terminal the quotes are at 14-54 - this is their real time!!! Hence in summer time the quotes go minus two hours relative to MSK, and in winter time they go minus one hour! See?
Mark33 писал (а) >>
...then at the terminal ...this is their real time...

Al, for example, has GMT+1. Check with your DC (terminal). ;(

Mark33 писал (а) >>
if it's 16-54 on my watch now, the terminal quotes at 14-54 - that's their real time!!!!

They don't have any real time themselves! Time is a relative thing (even Einstein proved it).

Your broker draws a candle and says it was received at that time. It does not care what is on your clock - it shows its TIME, which is where it is "set". And if you tell it that the time of this candle is 16-45, you will be as right as your terminal. It's just that you have different starting points. The time is 16-45 relative to Moscow and 14-45 relative to Europe.


There is a particular standard of time in forex. This is Central European Time, CET.

This is GMT (or UTC) +1 (+2 in summer).

In theory, daily candles should start at midnight CET in any brokerage house.

This is probably not the case, but most brokerage companies use CET time.

Later I will post a script which defines GMT, summer/winter, translation dates in europe and america for any year (in america since 2007, i.e. according to new rules).

Erics писал (а) >>

There is a particular standard of time in forex. This is Central European Time, CET.

This is GMT (or UTC) +1 (+2 in summer).

In theory, daily candles should start at midnight CET in any brokerage house.

This is probably not the case, but most brokerage companies use CET time.

Later I will send you script, which defines GMT, summer/winter, transfer dates for Europe and America in any year (in America since 2007, i.e. according to new rules).

I don't want to argue at length... But the standard on sev is a bit overdone.

This "standard" only arose for one reason: to "correctly" display t-f-f H4

ostensibly to link the opening of one of the candles with the opening of major trading in Europe...


In principle I would agree with that... but at least three points do not allow for this:

- the reasons for the "discrepancy" in the different DCs, some on sev, some +1 to sev, some on vesti, gmt and were even on msc*

- it is the other sources that are usually using gmt.

- i just respect it when it's ugly BUT uniform...


* mystery... but the dc's who started with the server in Moscow switched off pretty fast, some to sev, some to sev+1

why would that be... ;)))

kombat писал (а) >>

* It's a mystery... But the DCs who were initially using the server in Moscow, pretty quickly left, some for Sev, some for Sev+1

why would that be... ;)))

Maybe they have changed the suppliers of quotes?

Erics писал (а) >>

Maybe the suppliers of the quotes have changed?

The timing of suppliers does not affect the choice... ;)

Quote flow doesn't care about time at all...

But the connection to the dealing is lost a bit...

(the company works in Moscow)

As a result there are extra days on the schedule, or rather "undone Sundays".


By the way on the subject...

I don't use classic sessions anymore but some kind of time points:

In the course of the sun (Moscow time):
00:00 - Start of the day
01:00 - Closing time in the American market
01:00 - Wild speculators out on the trail
03:00 - Wild speculators are leaving with the loot.
03:00 - Rising Sun Country gets to work
03:50 - *Looking economic data on Japan
10:00 - Europe gets to work
12:00 - *Meaningful economic data from Europe
12:15 - *Europe's big economic data
12:30 - *Important economic data from England
15:45 - *Meaningful economic data in Europe (Central Bank rates)
16:00 - American Start Time
16:30 - *Meaningful economic data on the Americas
17:00 - *American economic data
17:30 - Opening of Stock Exchanges, *American Economic Data
18:00 - European closing, *American economic data
7:00 p.m. - *American mayhem begins until 1:00 a.m.
22:15 - *FOMC data
23:59 - Last minute of the day
*Events and countries on a calendar basis

kombat писал (а) >>

01:00 - Closing of American mayhem
7:00 p.m. American mayhem starts at 1:00 a.m.

It would have been better that way.


Basically yes... ;)

(Time points have already become "biological time", so I don't even look at the list... :)


Apparently for readability we should start the day at 01:00 Moscow time.

I guess for readability we should start the day at 01:00 Moscow time zone...


This is how I determine GMT/server time/time zone/duration time:

#property copyright "Copyright © 2008, Erics"
#property link      ""

//| Скрипт - разрешить DLL                                           |

#import "kernel32.dll"
  int GetTimeZoneInformation(int& buf[]);
  int GetSystemTime(int& buf[]);

void start()
  int tzi[43];
  int tzID = GetTimeZoneInformation(tzi);
  int TimeZone = -tzi[0]/60;
  int SummerTime = -tzi[42]/60;
  MessageBox("Местный часовой пояс: " + TimeZone + 
             "\nЛетнее время: " + SummerTime + 
             "\nGMT: " + TimeToStr(TimeLocal()-3600*(TimeZone+SummerTime)));
  int st[4];
  int GMThour = st[2] & 0xFFFF;
  int ServH = TimeHour(TimeCurrent());
  string serverTZ = ServH - GMThour;
  if (ServH - GMThour > 0) serverTZ = "+" + serverTZ;
  MessageBox("GMT (час) " + GMThour +
             "\nСерверное время ДЦ (с учетом летнего): GMT" + serverTZ);

Clearly this is a reference to the local computer time.
But if I'm sure of it, I can easily get the server time of any DC in any open terminal.

(2 different API functions are called in the script - your choice).

tzi.mq4  2 kb