[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 506

Gone or what?

Erm... And indeed, I don't see anything.

Bears! Where are you!?


Erm... And indeed, I don't see anything.

Bears! Where are you!?

He's gone.


- Doctor! There's something wrong with my eyes!

- What is it?

- I can't see the money.


I'd have ended with: You should see a psychiatrist, sir...



- Doctor! There's something wrong with my eyes!

- What is it?

- I can't see the money.


I would've ended it this way: You should see a psychiatrist, my dear...

Will you be the psychiatrist, sir?

Will you be the psychiatrist, sir?

)))!!! Get in line! // well, then as in Bulgakov...))


I'll take it myself. Who's the last one here?


I'll take it myself. Who's the last man standing?

I was, but he got held up.
There was a lasso, but he was detained

It may be hard to say anything about Lasso. He may still be able to fight for him, although the result is likely to be negative. The easiest thing for him to do is change his nickname.

It might be hard to say anything about Lasso. Maybe we can still fight for him, although the result is likely to be negative. The easiest thing for him to do is change his nickname.

Unfortunately, I'm not aware of it...

Am I breaking through an open door? )))


Unfortunately, I'm not aware of...

Am I breaking through an open door? )))

It's not here anymore. I can tell you on Skype
Come back!