[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 194



Arriving at work on a Monday morning, the staff discovered that a programmer had broken into the office over the weekend. Crumbs from biscuits were scattered around the office, the refrigerator was wide open, a year's supply of sugar had disappeared, and in the kitchen there was an empty beer crate with a gnawed corner. The programmer himself, tired, slept peacefully in a corner of the waiting room, from where the kind staff had moved him to the sofa and carefully covered him with a warm blanket.
Waking up in the evening, the programmer did not run away, but trustingly sniffed the staff, went to the pantry and rustled for a long time with plastic bags and cardboard boxes. When the staff looked into the pantry out of curiosity - they found that the programmer had found an old working laptop, plugged it into the local network, and was busily tapping on the keyboard with his little paws.
The programmer didn't run away after a day or two. He settled down firmly in the storeroom and only ran out at night through the passageway where some cigarettes were deposited for him at the kiosks.
This is how the programmer took root in our office.

What a joke :)))))))))

Want to be _very_ surprised?

1. Start Notepad editor.
2. Type into it the line:

Bush hid the facts

3. Save it to a file and close it.
4. Open the file with Notepad.


That's right, you have to put a full stop at the end of the sentence. It's like a compulsory spell checker. :))


What a joke :)))))))))

Want to be _very_ surprised?

1. Start Notepad editor.
2. Type in the line:

Bush hid the facts

(Bush hid facts.)
3. Save it to a file and close it.
4 Open the file with Notepad.

Nothing has happened.

Nothing happened.
You have to run Notepad.exe, not open an existing txt.
You have to run Notepad.exe, not open an existing txt.

Not a fact. Opened exactly the saved txt, I'm wondering where Notepad got the Wordboard brain ))

That's right, you have to put a full stop at the end of the sentence. It's like a compulsory spell checker. :))

I didn't put a full stop. See.

Saved it, opened it again.

But here's the interesting thing. But you have to create a new text document. I had a txt-file on my desktop, with some information in it. I erased it, inserted the specified phrase, saved it, closed the document, opened it again and really, nothing happened. But when I put in a NEW document, the miracle works.


I didn't put a full stop. See.

Saved, opened again.

But here's an interesting thing to discover. But it was necessary to create a new text document. I had a txt file on my desktop with some information in it. I erased it, inserted the specified phrase, saved it, closed the document, opened it again and really, nothing happened. But with a NEW document, the miracle worked.

It doesn't work on my sevens.

It worked on xp ;)

Traveling through the Sevastopol forum today. Stumbled across an offer for a drummer to play in a band. I found someone who said, "The neighbours are bothering me with noise, could you drum "Sleepy Tired Froggy" for them for a couple of evenings? :)))))))))))))) Оригинал здесь http://forum.sevastopol.info/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=238352&p=5270473#p5270473
Argentina v Germany 0-4