Using artificial intelligence at MTS - page 13


Why do philosophers go to forex? Money and wealth are not their goal.

Not having understood that clarity - and lucidity - is only a DIFFERENTITY of TUMANITY.
It should not be considered an OBJECT.
Besides, the OBJECT is one, and you are Kant - Lenin... ...mathematics, numbers... ARE ALL SUBJECTS. I.E. and tools - when considered - and their DESCRIPTION - are SUBJECTIVE.

Postulates, science, dogmas all change...

And references to CUMMIES are like - no matter how much you say = halva, halva, your mouth won't get any sweeter - unless of course you're in a trance. ;)

gpwr писал (а):

Why do philosophers go to forex? Money and wealth are not their goal.

You gave me the title of philosopher. I'm talking about something else. I'm just answering your questions.
Besides, it's one object, and you're Kant, Lenin... ...maths, numbers... ARE ALL SUBJECTS. I.E. both instruments - when considered - and their DESCRIPTION - are SUBJECTIVE postulates, and science and dogma all change. . I.E. ONLY the WHOLE and the ONE (OBJECTIVE) - remains OBJECTIVE.

And references to CUMMIES are like - no matter how much you say = halva, halva, your mouth won't get any sweeter - unless of course you're in a trance. ;)

Once again, I recommend that you read up on matchmaking so that your understanding of the philosophical categories is consistent with their meaning in the literature. Only then can you hope to understand others. Start with simpler authors (preferably textbooks), and then gradually move on to the works of Kant, Hegel, Heidegger, Buddhists, Hindus, Yogis, etc. Maybe then you'll lose the desire to defend your philosophical truths on a trader's forum.

If your philosophical (and linguistic too, by the way) illiteracy makes you hard to understand for one in a hundred, it doesn't mean that you are an unrecognized genius. Geniuses learn too. And please don't confuseculture with idols...
Mathemat писал (а):
Besides - OBJECT ONE, and you're Kant - Lenin... ...mathematics, numbers... ARE ALL SUBJECTS. I.E. both instruments - when considered - and their DESCRIPTION - are SUBJECTIVE postulates, and science and dogma all change. . I.E. ONLY the WHOLE and the ONE (OBJECTIVE) - remains OBJECTIVE.

And references to CUMMIES are like - no matter how much you say = halva, halva, your mouth won't get any sweeter - unless of course you're in a trance. ;)

Once again, I recommend that you read up on matchmaking so that your understanding of the philosophical categories is consistent with their meaning in the literature. Only then can you hope to understand others. Start with simpler authors (preferably textbooks), and then gradually move on to the works of Kant, Hegel, Heidegger, Buddhists, Hindus, Yogis, etc. Maybe then you will lose the desire to defend your philosophical truths on a trading forum.

If your philosophical illiteracy makes you hard to understand for one in a hundred, it does not mean that you are an unrecognized genius. Geniuses learn too.

Note - I'm not the one talking about philosophy, genius. You now need to CONFLICT. What's the point? Why? ...

There's email, you can shout and treat and argue there - only with ARGUMENTS, if you don't want them here.
Sending it to the first class is not yet an ARGUMENT against or for OBJECTIVITY.
What I wanted to and have expressed and at your request I have DIFFERENTIATED.
And if you didn't ask questions, you wouldn't have to spell out the TRUTH.
Why did you ask questions then? To accuse? What's with all this righteousness these days?

After all, everything is SIMPLE.
Do not ask - stupidity and DOGM, and then you do not have to stick labels and it shows.
I.e., you don't want to understand any more and you are depriving others of the right to do so. WHY?
gpwr писал (а):

Why do philosophers go to forex? Money and wealth are not their goal.

An interesting point. Is it enough for a man to tapping on the keyboard a sequence of poorly linked words, abundantly and inappropriately sprinkling them with commas, dashes, and other special symbols, to paint all this in different colours, and this already means that he is a philosopher? A peculiar idea of philosophy ...

All those posts contain just one idea (or rather a call) and its author, under no circumstances, can be considered the author of the posts. The call to unite with the OBJECTIVE is as old as the human spiritual world itself.
And all of us are called to it by a subject who, presumably, believes that he has already joined. :-)

Maybe for someone poor command of Russian (I mean not the grammar - that goes without saying, but the Russian language itself) is an evidence of enlightenment, however, as a rule :-) other signs are indicative of the achievement of enlightenment.

So don't be surprised at the appearance of such sermons in this inappropriate place - wherever to look for followers, as long as they bite. And don't think that it all has anything to do with forex - it's all for completely different purposes. And do not look for any trader's experience behind it all - it is not there.

Even if usdeur has some spiritual experience, he is using it inappropriately. For which he will pay in due course.
gpwr wrote (a):

Why do philosophers go to forex? Money and wealth are not their goal.

Interesting point. All one needs to do is to type a sequence of poorly linked words, abundantly and inappropriately sprinkle them with commas, dashes and other special characters, colour all this in different colours, and that already means that he is a philosopher? A peculiar idea of philosophy ...

All those posts contain just one idea (or rather a call) and its author, under no circumstances, may be considered the author of the posts. The call to unite with the OBJECTIVE is as old as the human spiritual world itself.
And all of us are called to it by a subject who, presumably, believes that he has already joined. :-)

Maybe for someone poor command of Russian (I mean not the grammar - that goes without saying, but the Russian language itself) is an evidence of enlightenment, however, as a rule :-) other signs are indicative of the achievement of enlightenment.

So don't be surprised at the appearance of such sermons in this inappropriate place - wherever to look for followers, as long as they bite. And don't think that it all has anything to do with forex - it's all for completely different purposes. And do not look for any trader's experience behind it all - it is not there.

Even if usdeur has some spiritual experience, he is not using it for its intended purpose.For which they will pay in due course.

Here come the threats... I CLARIFY - REPEATEDLY. I have made it clearer above - why have I been misunderstood?
I mean no sects, no religions, no philosophy, I am a trader KNOWING how to distance myself from the SUBJECT, from unnecessary inaccuracies. And, no more.

There is no UNDERSTANDING of me behind this - I see - I am understood....
Wooooooooooo stupid struggle - I don't understand with what or with whom? Or WHY? And against whom? What's the point?

Your labels - they are not about me, but about those who know how to turn these issues into conflict. Is that why you write them?

I'm not being unsubstantiated - I write with arguments and FACTS. Each and every one has PROVIDED by these examples and FACTS.
There is every reason - that the words I write should be taken as CONFIRMED by the facts themselves. Not enough facts, I'm willing to give more.

There is NO WAY to EXPLOIT OBJECTS ON FOREX. Those are the key words.

There is no philosophy or religion in it.
If someone is seeing SECTIONS, philosophy, religion, or first grade school, that's their problem.
My problem is that I only know how, but I don't know who I can INVOLVE the IDEA with.
That's why I'm not here so that everyone would understand me.... And certainly do not want to argue (especially with everyone at once) - I'm not willing and will not.
Interesting point. Is it enough for a man to tapping on the keyboard a sequence of poorly linked words, abundantly and inappropriately sprinkle them with commas, dashes and other special characters, colour all this in different colours, and it already means that he is a philosopher? A peculiar idea of philosophy ...
Well actually usdeur has put enough philosophical categories in his posts(object, subject, truth, whole, part), shaping all that, although extremely ambiguously, but still on a more or less abstract level, that one can hardly call it philosophical.

2 usdeur: if you want to communicate with me so much, write to me yourself, if you can find my e-mail address in my profile (I've marked it by the way). In any case, I haven't found your e-mail address.
Mathemat писал (а):
Interesting point. It is enough for a man to tapping on the keyboard a sequence of poorly connected words, abundantly and inappropriately sprinkle them with commas, dashes and other special characters, colour all this in different colours, and it already means that he is a philosopher? A peculiar idea of philosophy ...
Well actually usdeur has put enough philosophical categories in his posts(object, subject, truth, whole, part), shaping all that, although extremely ambiguously, but still on a more or less abstract level, that one can hardly call it philosophical.

2 usdeur: if you want to communicate with me so much, write to me yourself, if you can find my e-mail address in my profile (I've marked it by the way). In any case I have not found your e-mail.
There is no such thing as pregnancy, nor is there any such thing as OBJECTIVITY.
Therefore, if there are any YARLES, they are either there or they are not.
Others who need to find the address will manage to find it.
It's a pity about the beads.
Where they came from, where they went!